5 Days to Go....!!

Beannachtaí na Nollag:
At the end of a busy year for everyone, it is good to Remember and say Thanks.
We remember all who have passed away in the parish, along with our own relations and friends. We think of those who are housebound, in hospital and in nursing homes. Spare a prayer for those who are coping with serious illness, depression, addiction, loneliness and suicidal thoughts. For some, Christmas is not an easy time, for all kinds of reasons, could be homelessness, death in a family, missing family members etc, so if you get a chance, light a candle for them, over the holidays.
Our thanks, must go to all the Volunteers in our local organisations, without them the parish would certainly be a poorer place to live. They selflessly donate their time, resources, experience and know-how to help enhance our parish and most of the time they do not get any visible sign of thanks. However, know that you are appreciated and the work you are doing is definitely making a difference.
Welcome back to all family members who will be travelling home from far and wide and hope you have a very enjoyable time with family and friends. Wishing those who are away from home, Happy Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.
A wish for 2018 - that people will try and live in peace and tolerance with their neighbour.
Le gach dea ghuí i gcóir na Nollag agus na hAthbhliana.
Christmas Eve: Granagh 6pm. Ballingarry 8pm.
Christmas Morning: Granagh 9.30am. Ballingarry 11am.
Our graveyards have been professionally surveyed and the information from the headstones has been transferred onto charts, which are now displayed in each Church. Later, it will be placed on a Bulletin Board to be erected at each graveyard.
Our graveyards have been professionally surveyed and the information from the headstones has been transferred onto charts, which are now displayed in each Church. Later, it will be placed on a Bulletin Board to be erected at each graveyard.
If you do not check now, the errors cannot be corrected online and it will be three to five years before you will get the opportunity again.
ENROLEMENTS: St. Joseph’s National School are accepting enrolments for the 2018/19 school year. The closing date for receipt of enrolment applications is the 31st of January 2018. Forms are available from the school. For further details please contact the school on 061-399081 or alternatively you can email office@granaghns.ie
The teachers and pupils of St. Joseph's National School prepared a beautiful Mass to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the building of the new school on its present site. Fr. Michael Noonan of Kilmore was invited back to concelebrate the Mass with Fr. Dan. The school choir sang all the hymns beautifully, accompanied by Ms. Siobhán Lynch. The students welcomed everyone and also remembered those who had died and past pupils who could not be present. They brought symbols to the Altar representing all aspects of their school. The oldest and newest role books. A class workbook and a school project. A Football and Hurley. Their FAI All Ireland Trophy and the West Final Trophy. A Tin Whistle and a Candle. Students read the two readings, sang the Psalm, brought up the Communion gifts and read the prayers of the faithful.
Meticulous preparation had been done beforehand and each and every student fulfilled their roles perfectly. As a finale, the pupils went up on the Altar and sang a selection of Christmas songs. A very apt poem ' The School by the River' written by David O'Riordan was read also. Then we had a procession of little ' Angels ' from the Junior classes who joined in with the singing, enthusiastically. All present were very complimentary on the presentation and gave the pupils a well deserved round of applause.
Sr. Bernadette Daly, chairperson of the Board of Management, was delighted to get the chance to speak to the crowd and meet with the families.
Many of the congregation made their way to the community centre, where the Parents' Association had laid on refreshments.
It was great to see and meet up with some of the ex teaching staff, Mrs Paula Shine attended and was in great form. Jimmy Murphy, Athlacca, said it was thirty years since he had been teaching in Granagh, though it didn't feel like it. Mrs O'Connor, nee McEnery travelled from Rathkeale and met some of her junior infants !! Mrs. Marie Collins nee O'Connor came from Abbeyfeale for the occasion. Of course, our retired teachers, Mrs Carroll and Mrs McMahon were present and are still fondly remembered by all their students. See parish website for photos - www.granagh.com
We look forward to the next part of the celebrations - an art exhibition - which will take place in the New Year.
Volunteers Needed this coming weekend: Bag Packing in Tesco, Crescent Shopping Centre on Saturday 23rd Dec, from 9am to 3pm.
The Parents' Association of Granagh National School, are trying to raise funds to replace the carpets in the classrooms with new hygienic and easy to clean flooring. They have secured valuable bag packing slots, so if any adults or secondary school students are free to donate some time, even if it isn't the full two hours, it would be very much appreciated. Time slots are - 9am - 11am. 11am - 1pm. 1pm - 3pm. Please contact either Mary Houlihan (087-2230854) or Simone Danagher (087-2399199) to book your preferred time.
St. Joseph’s National School are accepting enrolments for the 2018/19 school year.
The closing date for receipt of enrolment applications is the 31st of January 2018.
Forms are available from the school. For further details please contact the school on 061-399081 or alternatively you can email office@granaghns.ie
For the month of December, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Tom Herlihy, Joe Scanlon, Kingsland. Josephine Murphy, David Hartigan Coolruss. Maura & Kevin O'Donoghue, John O'Rourke, Doorluss. Bridget & Daniel Fitzgibbon, Noreen Ann Biggane, Kilmore. John Carey, Patricia Whetham, Mary Noonan, Ned Chawke, Granagh. Michael Pitman, Lisduane. Margaret Sheehan, Joseph Toomey, Kilatal. Jimmy O'Carroll, Liskennett. William Leane, Thurles. Ellen O'Connor, Croom. Laura Enright, Richard Collins, Banogue. Mary O'Leary, Cork. Mary Sheahan, Loughill. Bridie O'Brien, Ballyagran. MaggieMae McMahon, Tullylease. Anna Neville, Croagh. James O'Brien, Ruan. Mary McNamara, Ballybrown.
Lotto Results: No Winner. Winning Numbers. 6. 7. 24. 30. Jackpot €7,350.
Lucky dips: Joanne Meehan, Ballingarry. Jim Shortt, Banogue. Ellen & Sean Murphy, Kingsland. Thank you for your support. Tickets can be purchased from O'Gorman's shop, The Rock Bar and Hickey's Bar Croom.
The ladies and gents of Granagh Players have been busily rehearsing for their 11th production - ' The Chastitute ' by John B. Keane. Director, Jimmy Sheehy, once again takes the cast under his wings and leads them in this hilarious production which follows the story of John Bosco’s McLaine and his attempts to find a bride. John B. Keane, invented the word Chastitute to mean - a person without holy orders who has never lain down with a woman… He had an in depth knowledge of the rural bachelor, farmer type and their idiosyncrasies.!!!
John Bosco's attempts at romance with the opposite sex, all end disastrously, due to a number of factors. One particular night he is over enthusiastic, the next night he holds back, either way he never wins.!! Of course, this being the rural Ireland of the 60s, Catholic guilt played a huge part in his celibacy. Liam Houlihan takes on the role of the frustrated John Bosco.
His concerned Aunt (Lily Hanley) decides, that as a first step, a housekeeper might help the situation and you would never know what could develop !! As a back-up, she gets the local matchmaker Mickey Molly (Tony Sheehan) to set up John Bosco with a few girls. Mickey however, is outrageously politically incorrect, as he refers to the ladies in horsey terms such as 'classy mares'. You wouldn't get away with that nowadays !!.. We are delighted to welcome six new faces to the stage this year, who seem to be holding up under the pressure, so far.
Looking forward to the opening weekend - Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st January and again the following weekend.
Warmest congratulations and best wishes to Grace and John Griffin on their recent wedding. It took place quietly, a month ago but they only officially celebrated on Monday night in the Rock Bar. Family and friends gathered to congratulate this special couple and wish them lasting love and happiness in the years ahead.
We send our congratulations to Emma Kelly ( Kilmore) and her partner, in Perth, on the birth of their second little girl. Her sister, Alicia will only be delighted with the company.
The New Year's Day ramble on the Hill begins at 2.30pm, with a Bonfire at 4.30pm. Following on, there will be a rambling house session in the cottage afterwards for all those interested.