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November - the month of the Holy Souls.

Don't think of them as gone away -

their journey's just begun,

life holds so many facets -

this earth is only one.


We celebrated our annual bereavement mass last Sunday. It was a beautiful and thoughtful service organised by the Bereavement group. Remembering those who passed away in the last year - Helen Foynes, Johnny Murphy, John O'Brien, Stephen Collins, Jim Kelly and Patie Mulqueen. Two candles were lit to remember the babies laid to rest in Cillíns and a special candle to remember the ten people who died in the Creeslough explosion. Throughout the mass, people were able to remember their family, friends and neighbours who are now in God's keeping.

For the month of November, the Rosary will be recited in the Graveyards, 3pm in Shanabhotha and straight afterwards, in Granagh.


For November, the month of the Holy Souls, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Sean O'Brien, Ballyguile. Dan Monckton & John Toomey, Kilatal. Thomas O'Connor, Knockfierna. Michael Sheehan, Ballinleena. Seamus Biggane & Patrick Fitzgibbon, Kilmore. Margaret O'Brien & Mary O'Gorman and Sr. Laurence Hannon, Granagh. Canon Liam Houlihan, Salford. Catherine O'Brien, Doorluss. Alma O'Leary, Castletown. Thomas McCann, Kilfinny. Michael F. Sheehan, England. Rev Eddie O'Dwyer, Pallasgrean. Patrick O'Grady, Ballingarry. Mary T. Healy, Dublin. Michael Storan, Croom. Maureen Murphy, Templeglantine. Thomas Neville, Croagh. We also fondly remember our Tea Dancers who have passed, George & Liam O'Riordan, Pat & Mary Mangan, Croom, Alice Moloney, Moyra Winters, Patsy Lynch, Eileen Simcox & Kitty Fitzgerald.


The collection in aid of Concern was held last weekend. Total received in O'Grady's Spar was €1605.76 and total collected in Granagh was €305.00. Teresa O'Keeffe wishes to thank very sincerely, all those who were so generous with their donations.


If you have any used stamps and leaving a few cm of paper around them, they can be sent to - Mission Centre, Handmaids of the Sacred Heart, St. Raphaela's Convent, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. A94TP38. They sort them into various categories and are sold by weight, that money then goes to the missions. You can also drop them to Mary O'Regan.


A little update on Thandekile, who was pictured on the Trocaire Box. The family is continuing to cope with the loss of husband/father Donovan, who was the breadwinner, Thandekile faces some challenges being the sole provider for the family. She has managed to rent a vending stall at the local shops from the local authority.

Through the support of Caritas Bulawayo- a new solar powered garden is just a return journey of 1km and they can water their vegetables with a solar powered borehole (the garden where she grew vegetables used to be 8km away).

Thandekile now has tomatoes, beetroot, kale and spinach in her garden all which she uses to supplement the family’s diet and she sells excess to finance other family needs.

Nomatter and Forward are still in school, while Thandekile has been struggling to pay fees since Donovan’s death, the children have not yet dropped from school.

The cropping season has not begun yet, however when it begins, Thandekile plans to grow small grains in the field that she is being loaned by Donovan’s uncle as she does not own any land as a woman.

In time, Thandekile hopes to earn enough finance to build a proper toilet/bathroom at her home place.

The Letter – A Message for Our Earth:

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’ (The Letter); an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis, for the attention of every single person in the world. A few years later, four people were invited to an unprecedented meeting with the Pope. Hailing from Senegal, the Amazon, India, and Hawai’i, they brought perspective and solutions from the poor, the indigenous, the youth, and wildlife, into a conversation with Pope Francis himself. This documentary follows their journey to Rome and the extraordinary experiences that took place there, and is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it’s taking on nature and people. 'The Letter' – The movie is available to watch, free on YouTube.


Fri 11th Nov, Granagh Utd Table Quiz in The Rock.

9th - 12th Nov; 'Pigtown' returns to the Lime Tree Theatre. A wonderful show.

Sun 27th: Christmas Market in the community centre.


7th Nov, 1492:- Meteorite strikes a wheat field near the village of Ensisheim in Alsace, France.

8th Nov, 1960:- Senator John F. Kennedy is elected the 35th President.

9th Nov, 1961:- The Beatles meet future manager Brian Epstein.

10th Nov,1896 - Lady Mary Heath, née Sophie Pierce, aviator and athlete, is born in Newcastle West.

11th Nov,1918:- World War I hostilities end on, "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month".

12th Nov, 1936:- First ever TV Gardening show "In Your Garden" shown on BBC.


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