St. Vincent de PAUL:
Friday 2nd Dec, O'Gradys & Sunday 4th Granagh 10.00am, the annual collection will be held. Unfortunately, today in our community, the increased cost of living along with rising energy & food bills are putting a lot of pressure on the people that the local St. Joseph's Conference, help. Far too many of them are being forced to make the impossible choice between paying for food or paying for heating. By supporting the annual appeal, you can help a family through the Winter and help them get back on their feet. Sincere thanks to those of you who regularly support their work, without this help they would simply not be able to support
fellow parishioners, on your behalf. Have a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Marietta Sheehan would like to convey her sincere thanks to all who supported her recent 100k fundraising walk for St. Joseph's Foundation. Total raised was a fabulous €2,000.
Thanks to Kathleen for the following details of the Christmas Mass schedule. Thur 8th Dec, Feast of the Immaculate Conception; Mass in Gra
nagh 10.00am & in Ballingarry at 7pm. Wednesday 14th Dec; Granagh N.S. Carol Service at 7pm.
Sat 24th Dec; Granagh, 6pm & Ballingarry 7.30pm. Sunday 25th Dec; Ballingarry, 9.30am & Granagh 10.30am.
Thursday 5th Jan, 2023, Ballingarry at 7pm. Friday 6th Jan,Feast of the Epiphany, Granagh 10am.
It's the final weekend for the NS, Parents' Association clothes collection, at the Parochial House. You can help raise much needed funds for the school by clearing out your wardrobe. They can accept - clothes, shoes, bedding (not duvets), towels, handbags, belts. Just bag them and tie the bags. Dates are as follows Friday 2nd Dec, 3-6pm. Sat 3rd, 6-8pm. Sun 4th, 10am-12pm.
I will be selling the Trócaire Gift Cards at O'Gradys, Ballingarry, Frid
9th Dec, 9am - 12.30pm and then continue on to O'Gormans Foodstore from 1pm - 4pm. When you buy a gift card, you can choose from any of the following:- Soap, Chicks, Emergency Water, Seeds & Tools, Food Basket, School Lunches, Solar Lamps, Winter Essential Kit,
School Kits, Girls Menstrual Kits, etc etc. Whichever you choose, this is the gift that will be sent to the families in need. Each of the gifts is sourced in the country concerned, which should help local businesses there too. Thank you for the wonderful support you have given over the years, you may not always see the result of your kindness but every bit of positivity you contribute, makes this world a better place. Blessings to everyone for a Happy & Peaceful Christmas.
Very Rev. Tomas Canon Wall, Priest and Patriot, 1878-1956.
As we commemorate the centenary of the founding of the Irish State, Jim Houlihan remembers the patriotism of Fr. Tom Wall and the Wall family. Thomas Wall was born in Bruff on the 12th of January 1878 into a strongly nationalist family. The story of the life of Thomas takes us back to a time when Ireland was fighting for its Independence. It highlights the role played by the Wall family and how the young priest was central to organising volunteers in west Limerick and meeting with people at the very highest levels of the republican leadership in Dublin. He was parish priest in Ballingarry & Granagh from 1936-1956 and is buried in the grounds of Ballingarry Church. Jim and
Liam Houlihan have recorded the story of Fr. Wall and you can listen to a fantastically researched story, well told on the home page of our website,
Saturday 3rd Dec, the Friends of Rathfredagh are holding a cake sale in the Market Yard, Newcastle West, from 9.30am.
The same Saturday evening at 6pm, Caoimhe's Christmas Lights will be officially switched on.
If you wish to sponsor a light, on the Milford Hospice Tree in memory of a loved one, visit their site - or phone 061 485859/485860.
The official ‘tree illumination’ ceremony will take place on Sunday, 4th December, at 4.00p.m, in Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Milford, Castletroy . The lights will remain illuminated on the Milford Hospice tree until Sunday 1st January 2023.
Thanks to all who visited the Christmas market in the community centre, last weekend. There were some beautiful & unique crafts on display made by their very talented crafters. It was great to meet all these lovely people, who travelled from near and far. Thanks to Marian & Ger for all their help and for supplying the extra tables, table cloths etc.
Sending get well wishes for a full recovery to Sean Murphy, who sustained a very serious leg break on Sunday morning last, playing for Granagh in the Limerick Desmond Premier League.