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Beginning on this Thursday 10th & Friday 11th - morning Mass will be celebrated in Granagh at 10am, while we remain on level 3 restrictions. When a funeral Mass is scheduled, there will be no morning Mass.

At weekend Masses, there will be a box available afterwards, as you exit, if you wish to drop in your parish envelope.

Thank you so much for your continued support, during these hard times.

Christmas Masses: Admission by Ticket only. 24th Dec - Granagh Masses - 4.30pm & 6.00pm. Ballingarry Masses - 7pm & 8.30pm. 25th Dec - Granagh 9.30am. Ballingarry, 11.00am. Tickets can be collected after Masses on the weekend of 19th & 20th Dec.

What is a Jesse tree: A Jesse tree represents the family tree of Jesus Christ. Each ornament represents a story from the Bible that tells about God’s people before Jesus was born. Each story shows God’s salvation plan and tells how He guided humanity to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. The tradition of the Jesse Tree dates back to the middle ages. The name “Jesse Tree” comes from Isaiah 11.1 - “Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.” Jesse is the father of King David, the saviour was to come from David’s family line.


Don't forget to enter the draw for the fabulous prize of an amazing toy 'John Deere Gator Ride-On', which has been kindly donated by Draw takes place 18th Dec. The Parents Association are fundraising for new windows & doors for Granagh NS. Donate €5 (or more!) & each separate donation will be entered into the draw to win ! Read more & donate here -


Emer Power did a 100km walk in aid of Movember and raised €1,750 euro. Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale, focusing on mental health, suicide prevention and cancer.


Make-A-Wish grants the wish of a child with a life-threatening medical condition. Since its inception in 1992, Make-A-Wish has granted wishes for more than 2,600 brave children across Ireland, including 181 wishes granted in 2019 alone. A wish granted is true magic for the child, providing respite from their normal routines of hospitals, doctors and treatment. Make-A-Wish does not receive any government funding, and relies overwhelmingly on the kindness of the Irish public to continue granting wishes. They believe a wish can have a lasting impact on a child’s life. A wish involves the whole family and can create moments of joy – and memories that last a life-time. The money they raise in Ireland is spent granting the wishes of children all over Ireland. To learn more or donate, see -


The Gift of a Goat: Edesi and the small farmers in a village in Malawi wait for the December rains to prepare their fields to plant new crops.

It has always been a challenge for farmers here to grow enough food to look after their families on their small plots of land but in recent years the effects of climate change have made it even harder as rainfall patterns have become more erratic. The December rains have often been all too short, not giving their crops a chance to grow properly. In the past Edesi has had to rely largely on gathering firewood, selling it on to gain vital income. The collection of firewood is a widespread and time consuming task in Malawi. It offers a lifeline in the short term but it’s led to a major deforestation problem, accelerating the effects of climate change. The goats Edesi received through Trócaire’s partner in Malawi, have made a huge difference. She received one of her first goats from a neighbour, who received the gift of a goat from Trócaire in 2006. He currently has 38 goats and has used money from the sale of the goats to build himself a new house. Edesi has also passed on two of her goats to another family. She says ‘now I only fetch firewood sometimes as the money from the goats supports the family.’ Edesi received training on how to rear the goats and they have taught her other things too. She learned about other good things for her crops like water harvesting and that by collecting goat droppings, she can turn them into manure for her field. If you can help by doing one small thing, buy a Trocaire gift, this Christmas. You can do so online at or by phone 1850-408-408.


7th Dec, 1877; - Thomas Edison demonstrates his phonograph (gramophone).

8th Dec, 1980; - John Lennon was shot dead in New York.

9th Dec, 1960; - First broadcast of "Coronation Street" on ITV.

10th Dec,1884; - "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain is first published.

11th Dec,1990;- Ivana Trump filed for divorce from Donald Trump.

12th Dec, 1901; - Thalidomide victims are offered a compensation deal.


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