GAA OSKARS: The excitement is building as everyone is eagerly awaiting Friday 26th in Charleville Park. A lot of time and work has gone into organising this event so that it will be the best it can be. Looking at the preview of the film clips and the local characters taking part, it will be a fantastic night of fun and entertinment. Some tickets still available in The Rock Bar or from Steven Stapleton and Pat Herlihy. To clarify the situation - black tie is optional, your Sunday best will also do just fine.!!
GARDENING FOR BEGINNERS: An tIonad Glas – Organic College, Dromcollogher are running their next Saturday Practical Workshop for beginners on May 18th. If you are interested in Growing Veg from seeds, caring for your seedlings and transplanting. Contact the College on 063 83604, Monday to Friday or by email to book your place.
GRANAGH TLC 5: Thanks and well done to all those who met up on Friday and took to the roads to clean up the rubbish left by other people. It is such a pity that we still have to do this but some people are still not clued into the facts, as well as being lazy and careless.!! During my holidays this year I was overseas and did a lot of walking. It is the one way you will come across and see every bit of rubbish wherever it is thrown - and there was a massive amount of it !! An influx of tourists in holiday resorts naturally adds to this, but it looked like the local councils were only collecting the waste bins - the remainder of the rubbish was left there. I did notice, just two people, who were walking the beach and who collected pieces of rubbish on their way.!! It made me realise that we in Limerick are way ahead and already doing our bit through Team Limerick Clean-Up, to help our planet, our country, our home and our future. Because so much damage has been done, the work will have to continue. '' There is sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed '' - Gandhi. It was great coming back to see the parish looking so good and visitors passing through will definitely notice too.
'BREAD Not PROFITS': Celebrating the centenary of the Limerick Soviet in which the workers of the city declared a general strike in defiance of the British Army. 'Bread Not Profits' will bring history to life in an exciting and immersive piece of theatre. With a script by Mike Finn (Pigtown), direction by Terry O’Donovan (On the Wire), and music by David Blake (Brad Pitt Light Orchestra), 'Bread Not Profits' is a unique celebration of one of the city’s proudest moments. The play was developed as part of Mike Finn’s year long residency at Belltable. Still running this week from Wednesday 24th until Saturday 27th April, tickets available from 061-953400. As this show takes place on site in Cleeve’s Factory, O'Callaghan Strand, audience members are advised to dress warmly and wear outdoor footwear, as the ground can be uneven.
1st ANNIVERSARY: We remember with fondness, Eileen Simcox (nee Lynch), whose first anniversary occurs on 29th April. ' Even though she's gone, her memory still remains in our hearts. Her smile and face will never fade, we think of her as we go on each day. The good times we remember and the nights spent together, will remain in our memories forever '.
DIARY: Tue 30th Apr: Yoga Class in Community Centre at 7.30pm. We 24th - 27th: ' Bread not Profits' play, Old Cleeves Factory. Wed 24th: Give Blood, Colaiste Chiarain, 5pm-8pm. Thur 25th: Give Blood, ,South Court Hotel, 5pm-8pm. 29th & 30th: Coláiste Ide agus Iosef, Abbeyfeale, 6-9pm.