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May Brings Flocks of Pretty Lambs.


London Plane Tree underplanted with Bluebells.


Continues on Sunday 27th May, at 11am, in the Community Centre. Never too late to start exercising, so good for the mind and body. All Welcome.


Keep in mind - S​unday 17th June:​ 2pm - 6pm: Lady Harrington will open her Flower & Veg Gardens at Knockfierna, in aid of Kilpeacon Church renovation fund & Granagh Dev. The Development Association members will be serving Teas on the day and there will also be a plant stall. Hopefully the sun will be shining at that stage....


For the month of ​ May, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:-

​ ​

Padddy Noonan, Dan Hynes & Fr. Martin Bennett, Granagh. May Houlihan, Stylepark. Maurice J. Sheehy, Coolruss. Michael O'Regan & John Costello (Bansha), Graigacurra. Christina Chawke, Ballyvologue. Teresa Twomey, Kilatal. Bridie Broderick, Kilmacanearla. Sheila Conway & Thomas O'Donovan, Killoughty. Mick O'Carroll, Liskennett. Michael & Mary Sheehy, Castletown. Timmy Con Brosnan, Broadford. Fr. Edward Kinnane, Pallasgrean. Edmond Duggan, Mallow. Sr. Rosa Power.


If enough people are interested, a Bus can be arranged to transport people to Dublin on 26th Aug, for the World Meeting of families Mass. Contact Fiona 086 - 2232184 or Marie 087 - 2942245 before 31st May.

Adoration: - Thursday 24th, Ballingarry, 7.30pm - 8.30pm. People are coming together to pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them, as the Referendum takes place on Friday.

​Parish ​O​ffice: Open on Tuesdays, 12pm - 2pm and Fridays, 10am - 2pm. Contact number, 069 - 68661 or email -

​Please ring ​Marian ​for appointment before calling.​


A​ number of reports have been received about scam calls in Limerick, Cork & Kerry. They are now showing up local codes, e.g. 061,021 to give the impression that they are the real thing. They sound very professional, sometimes they know your name and it is so easy to be fooled by them. However, just think for a moment... and realise that your bank / credit card company/ revenue etc will not ring looking for your details. Never give any information over the phone........ not even date of birth.


​May is Ms Month - 'Kiss MS Goodbye '. ​If you would like

to Donate crucial funds for Research - Text KISS to 50300 and give €4.


Contact information for our local recycling centres, please use them to dispose of waste. Kilmallock Ind Est: - 063-98836. Open, Tuesday & Saturday 10am - 5pm. Newcastle West, 069-78610. Open Wednesdays & Saturdays 10am - 5pm. They will accept the following - Aerosols, Batteries, Books, Cardboard, Clean plastic, Fluorescent Tubes, Lamps, Bulbs, TVs, Computers, Videos, Mobile Phones, Paint Tins, Hard plastic ( toys), plastic oil containers, white goods, large household furniture and carpeting, waste oils, untreated timber, garden waste ( grass/hedge cuttings), polystyrene & scrap metal. Cost - Car €5, light van €12, car & small trailer €12.


The last few events coming up at the weekend : - Sat 26th, 9pm, Bat Talk & Walk in Thurles. Sunday 27th at 2pm - Nature Walk in the Burren Nat Park and 3pm - Whale Watch, at Loop Head.


​Sat 26th May. Slí Eile Market, Burton Pk, Churchtown, 10am - 1pm.

Sun 27th May: Classic Car Show, Racecourse, 10am - 4.30pm.

Mon 28th May: Give Blood - South Court Hotel, 5pm - 8pm.

30th May -4th June: Fleadh Cheoil, Kilfinane.

Sun 3rd June. Family Cycle, Gr. Southern Greenway.

15th - 17th June: Bruff Summer Festival & Bloomsday Events.​

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