6 Geese A Laying.....

YOUTH CLUB MASS: This coming Saturday night 9th, Granagh Youth Club celebrate their annual Mass at 7pm and afterwards everyone is invited to go over to the Hall, for tea/coffee and tasty mince pies.!
HATHA YOGA: Next weekend sees the final Yoga classes before Christmas. Saturday 9th Dec at 5pm, and Sunday 10th at 11am, in the Community Centre. An Email will be sent out to all for feedback on the classes, what you like, what you want more of etc.
CAMOGIE CLUB: Granagh/Ballingarry Camogie club will hold their annual fundraising Christmas 45 Drive on Monday the 11th December in Granagh Hall at 8.30pm. Top Prize will be €300, 2nd Prize €150, plus table prizes. There will also will be a raffle on the night, with a cash prize and various other prizes. €10 per player, teas included. If any sponsors would like to contribute towards the night, please contact Mary at 087 6660022 or Tony at 087 6598380. All donations and contributions would be very welcome.
GRANAGH NAT SCHOOL : Invitation to all past Pupils: 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the building of Granagh National School on its present site. This offers us an opportunity to welcome back and thank all those who have been associated with the school over the years, as pupils, parents, teachers, staff members, members of B.O.M. or friends. On Wednesday 13th December 2017 at 12 p.m., Fr Lane will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for all who have supported the life and work of the school throughout the years. Our Parent’s Association have very kindly agreed to provide refreshments in the comm unity Centre afterwards to celebrate.
Volunteers Needed: The Parents' Association of Granagh National School, are trying to raise funds to replace the carpets in the classrooms with hygienic and easy to clean flooring. Naturally enough this is going to be expensive, somewhere in the region of €7,000. They have secured Bag Packing Slots in Tesco, Crescent Shopping Centre on Saturday 23rd Dec, from 9am to 3pm.
If any adults or secondary school students are free to donate some time, even if it isn't the full two hours, it would be very much appreciated. Time slots are - 9am - 11am. 11am - 1pm. 1pm - 3pm. Please contact either Mary Houlihan (087-2230854) or Simone Danagher (087-2399199) to book your preferred time.
Thinking of doing a bit of Christmas shopping. For a change, you might consider donating something to worthwhile organisations who do amazing work, at home and abroad. Irish Guide Dogs give you the opportunity to sponsor a puppy to help put them through their guide dog training. They also train dogs to become assistance dogs for children with autism, which is a wonderful gift for both the child and the family. Trocáire, Concern and Bóthar, have an online gift shop where you can purchase practical gifts such as pigs, chickens, rabbits, trees etc, to help the many poor all over the world.
GRANAGH UTD F.C: Lotto Results: No Winner. Winning Numbers. 12. 18. 20. 23. Jackpot €7,300. Lucky dips: James O'Connor, Derraulin. Bríd O'Gorman. Bridget Tierney.
Thank you for your support. Tickets can be purchased from O'Gorman's shop, The Rock Bar and Hickey's Bar Croom.
GIVE BLOOD: Your next opportunity to give blood will be Wednesday 27th Dec in Charleville Park Hotel, from 3pm - 5pm and 7pm - 9pm. The Croom clinic will be held on Friday 29th Dec at Colaiste Chiarain, Croom from 2pm - 5pm.
A vacancy has arisen in the Granagh area for a Tús/CE worker. Responsibilities would include maintenance of graveyards and community centre. The general role would also include weeding, spraying, painting, repairs etc. If you qualify for these schemes and would be interested please make contact with John Bennett as soon as possible, 087-2942245.