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Spring is in the Air.



Sunday 9th April, 1.30pm.



​Next Class, Thursday 30th Mar, 7.30 - 8.15pm, in the Community Centre. ​A​ll fitness levels welcome​d.

GAELIC 4GIRLS: Registration for the Gaelic 4 Girls programme takes place this coming Thursday 30th March from 6.30pm at Ballingarry GAA Field. First training session straight after registration from 7-8pm. The programme is for girls aged 8-12. The €10 registration fee covers 8 weeks of training, the girls receive a jersey and we will be taking part in a blitz on the final day. It's a great opportunity for girls to learn the basic skills of Gaelic football. DAFFODIL DAY:

Mary and Peter Morrissey, Coolruss, wish to thank all those who supported their Afternoon Tea in aid of the Irish Cancer Society.

They wish to thank all who contributed, those who helped out on the day and those who donated gifts of food, china and raffle prizes.

So far, €1,336.55 has been lodged. Donations can still be made over the next two weeks. Due to a family bereavement, Mary did not have the list of prizewinners in her draw, ready for print this week.

We sympathise with Mary and family on the death of her aunt Pauline, in Kildare.


​Granagh youth club hosted their quiz night ​last ​Friday 24th ​March. ​ We had a great turn out and would like to thank all those who supported us on the night​. A total of €427 was raised to go towards the funding of our youth club jerseys​. Thanks again for all th​e​ support, much appreciated. Winning Team - Seamus & Sean Murphy, James Stapleton & David Bennett. Best Team Name - The Gingernuts !

Friday 31st​ March: Soccer & Dodge ​B​all tournament in Newcastle West. €5 per member.


Boxes available from the Church anytime. What your money can do - €10 provides clean water and hygiene kits. €20 - provides a lifesaving parcel to feed a family for a month.


Spring Fair time - take note of the date, Sunday, April 9th. The official Opening, by Patricia Messinger, of Cork 103Fm, will take place at 1.30 p.m. at the Foundation’s Campus on Baker’s Road.

We are appealing for items for any of the following stalls - Cakes, Books, Toys, Bottles, Wheel of Fortune, Home Produce, Euro Stall, etc. We really appreciate donations of unwanted items for these stalls, but they must be in good condition. If you can volunteer to help out on the Sunday, be there around 11.30am. If you are free on Saturday 8th to help with setting up, be there around 2pm.

For the " Spring Fair Spring Clean” appeal , we are working with National Council for the Blind (N.C.B.I) who will take the clothes for recycling. Donations of any old clothes, shoes, handbags, belts – (clean and in good condition). Please put unwanted items in a plastic bag and marked Spring Fair Spring Clean, which can be dropped into the Foundation’s main campus on Baker’s Rd., Charleville.

Absolutely - NO CUSHIONS, DUVETS OR PILLOWS ACCEPTED. The Foundation will be paid by weight by the N.C.B.I, hence this is a fantastic opportunity to raise significant funds.


The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from 17th - 22nd September 2017. Cost €719 per person sharing, accom​m​odation will be the Hotel Elesio. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McCarthy PP Dromin Athlacca. To book a place, please contact: Angela O'Flynn: 086 8946733 email​: - ​ or contact Laura Moore: 061 312418​.​


​New services being provided at the Resource Centre, beside the hall in Ballingarry.

Over 60's Social Club beginning on Monday 10th April from 2pm, €3 per person Book Club beginning on Wednesday 12th April from 7pm - 8.30pm, €3 per person Ballingarry Walk from the Resource Centre beginning on Thursday 13th April from 7pm. Chiropody is in Ballingarry Family Resource Centre Thursday 6th April from 10am - 12pm, €10 per person over 60. No appointment ne​cessary. For information please ring 069 - 68054​.


' Chess ' performed by Limerick Musical Society at UCH, 30th Mar - 1st Apr.

Croom Strictly Come Dancing, Friday 7th April, Southcourt Hotel.

St. Joseph's Foundation, Spring Fair - Sunday 9th April.

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