The full moon will be a blue supermoon, a celestial occurrence that combines two events: a supermoon, which is when the moon is closest to the Earth, and a blue moon, the third of four full moons in a single season. It is also referred to as a sturgeon moon, a term originating from Native Americans, who called August’s full moon the sturgeon moon after the fish, which could be caught in the Great Lakes during this part of the Summer.
Feast of Assumption:- Anniversaries included at that Mass were for John O'Brien, Willie & Chrissie Cagney.
Last Sunday, Anniversary Mass was celebrated for Sadie Bennett & Peggy Tierney. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a nAnamnacha dilís.
Baptisms: Congratulations to all the families who celebrated baptisms in the last few months, we welcome your children to the faith community. Recently we had Tallie with her parents Rachel(Hickey) and George Thomas. Followed by Edward James with his parents Carol(Hickey) & Lewis Rutter. We had Ben Edward with parents Emma & Roy McMahon, plus Charlie & Sam. We had Breagh with her parents Billy & Catriona Lee & sister Síofra.
Thought for the Week: Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored, than to anything on which it is poured. Mark Twain.
Thur 22nd Aug, Woodlands House Hotel, 9am: Calling all dog lovers! The Woodlands are hosting the 93rd Limerick & District Canine Club, All Breed Championship Dog Show! Prepare for a day of tail-wagging excitement, where dogs of all breeds will take centre stage to showcase their charm and talents!
Congratulations to Noel Tierney who was celebrating a birthday over the weekend. He's surely in his forties, definitely not in his sixties... Wishing him many more celebrations.
Thur 29th Aug, 15.50-19.10; Crescent Shopping Centre, Unit 1A, City Mall.
This is an appointment based clinic, book an appointment on 1800 222 111.
18th Aug,2002 - It was announced that the Government is to scrap tough planning laws, banning the building of single houses in rural Ireland.!
19th Aug,1960 - Soviet Sputnik 5 carries 2 dogs, 2 rats, 40 mice,1 rabbit and fruit flies into space, all returned alive, from orbit.
20th Aug,1993 - Mother Teresa hospitalized with malaria.
21st Aug,1978 - Eddie Macken on Boomerang, wins the Aga Khan.
22nd Aug,1922 - Michael Collins is assassinated at Beal na mBláth.
23rd Aug,1995 - RTÉ reports on the closure of the Irish Press newspaper.