Second Honeymoon!!

It's time for our ' Second Honeymoon '.!!
It may not turn out like it's supposed to, even with all the good intentions and the romance in the air... However, there will be plenty laughs and a few surprises. Can't reveal anymore details, so we will see you there.. Performance dates - Fri 22nd, Sat 23rd, Sun 24th & Fri 29th, 30th & 31st. Jan at 8pm nightly. Raffle and Shop each night. Adm, Adults €10, Students €5.
This coming weekend, 23rd /24th Jan, a collection for the Homeless will be held at both Churches.
Reminder - Enrolment applications for St. Joseph's National School, to be received no later than 31st January.
Proposed dates and practices for January. Singing for Mass on 30th Jan. Rehearsal on Sunday 24th Jan at 6pm.
Over the last number of weekends we have been looking together at the future of our parish. With ten parishes no longer having a resident priest and thirty eight, with just one priest to serve them, we face into new challenges together.
As our speaker put it so well last weekend; do you want future decisions about your parish made in an office somewhere else or do you, who know our parish better than anyone else, want to be the people who make those decisions ?
On Thursday, February 4th, we will have a parish meeting of all those who are interested in keeping our parish a living, active community with its own ‘identity’. We are asking and encouraging everyone who has that interest at heart to come to this meeting and make your contribution. We will have independent expert help present to help us all look at a shared vision, in which we can all be part together.
There is a box on the altar rails in each church. Please drop your name and tel. no. into that box in either church and you will be contacted personally about this meeting. It is not a question of having special abilities. This is about being willing to be part, with others of like mind, in making your contribution to ensuring a living, active faith community in our parish for yourselves and for those who are coming after us.
Congratulations and happy birthday wishes to Noreen Fitzgerald, Kilmore, who was celebrating with friends and family over the weekend. May there be many more to come.