1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th classes in Granagh NS, celebrating their First Active Flag.
Unfortunately, it has been decided to postpone the concert on Sunday 12th Dec, due to the rising Covid numbers. It will be rescheduled for Feb 2022, if you bought tickets they will hold for the new date. If you need a refund, please contact David Doyle on 087-273 4150.
The final Sunday in November, rosary will be recited in Shanabhotha at 3pm and in Granagh at 3.15pm, remembering all who are buried in those graveyards and our own family & friends.
Friday 26th Nov: The local branch of St. V.dePaul will be holding their annual collection at O'Grady's Spar, this coming Friday, all day. Then on Sunday 12th Dec , their collection will be held before 10.30 mass, in Granagh. All funds collected will be used in the local community. Please give a little, it helps a lot.
Friday November 5th 2021, was a very proud day for everyone in Granagh N.S. as they celebrated the raising of their First Active Flag. The Active School Flag (ASF) is an initiative of the Dept of Education & Skills, to get more schools more active more often, and at Granagh N.S. they have achieved this.
The Flag was awarded after lots of hard work and dedication by all the pupils, staff, parents and Board of Management, to achieve a more physically active and physically educated school.
Your support for Trócaire last year brought relief and hope to 2.7 million people around the world. Their work comes under four headings. Humanitarian: - Thanks to you Trócaire can respond to humanitarian crises in countries affected by natural disaster, pandemics and conflict. Armed conflicts and natural disasters deprive people of food, clean water, education, health services, sanitation and protection.
Women's Empowerment: - Women and girls around the world should have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives and they should be free from the threat of violence. Thanks to your support, Trócaire supports many women to have power and a voice, to recover from violence and to live a life of dignity and opportunity.
Food & Resource Rights: - Food and water give us life, yet in a world of plenty, one in nine people go to bed hungry each night. The world’s poor struggle to access land, water and other essential natural resources which they need to survive and earn a living. Thanks to you, Trócaire’s programme supports these communities so they can grow their own food, earn an income to survive and have access to their natural resources.
Human Rights: - Across the world, human rights are under attack. People are being oppressed, discriminated against, silenced and even killed. Thanks to your support, Trócaire’s programme works to challenge injustices, by empowering women and men to challenge unjust power structures, to claim their rights and to stand together and fight for justice and equality.
THE GIFTS:- In order to help support these programmes, Trócaire’s gifts of Love are always available online. Added to their usual gifts, they have added some new ones this year. Emergency water - 20e. This gift includes a jerry can and water purification tablets that help prevent deadly diseases like typhoid and cholera. Menstrual Dignity - 10e. This gift provides girls with access to reusable pads, soap, cloths, underwear and a ‘how to’ guide. A portion of the gift will also go towards programmes aimed at educating and destigmatising periods. Mental Health Lifeline - 50e. This gift provides the women and children of Gaza access to vital mental health care and a support network, as they live in constant fear and a permanent state of lockdown, with no escape. Women's empowerment - 100e. Helps set up women-led savings and loan groups to support women to set up their own businesses, providing an income to buy food, shelter and safety. Water Filter - 40e. This gift supplies a basic home water filter system to give families clean safe water. Human rights heroes - 100e. These defenders of human rights, risk their lives every day. This Gift will provide the vital training and legal support these heroes need should they become criminalised for their bravery. See
Thursday 30th Dec; The Club are having their Christmas Lights Run leaving the Racecourse at 6pm. This year they are fundraising for the Brothers of Charity, Cliona's Foundation and Red Hill School. They are an extremely generous club, always helping to fundraise for deserving causes, please support if you can.
If you cannot shop local and have to shop online, here are five tips for secure shopping. **Check out the address bar, it is secure when you see a padlock symbol and has HTTPS:// at the start. **You may now receive a one-time passcode and be required to answer a security question. Never give these details to anyone, over the phone, by email or text message. **Using a unique complex password for every website is advisable, but they also need to be kept private and changed regularly. **Always assume that the public wi-fi networks are insecure. Never enter your sensitive data - credit or debit card details - and don’t buy from unfamiliar websites. Trust your instincts, if an offer is too good to be true, then it often is !
At the moment, these markets are going ahead, check beforehand in case of cancellations.
Friday 26th Nov; 6pm - 9pm. D & M Christmas Market, Croagh.
Sunday 5th Dec; 11am - 3.30pm: Food & Craft Fair. Urban Co-Op shop, the Eastway Business Park.
Sunday 5th Dec; 10am - 4pm: Rockbarton will host their Annual Boutique Christmas Market.
Sunday 12th Dec; 12 - 4pm. Bruree Christmas Fair.
19th Nov,1863:- Famous Gettysburg Address delivered by President Lincoln.
20th Nov,1945:- The Nuremberg Trials begin.
22nd Nov, 1963:- US President John F. Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, in Dallas.
23rd Nov, 1970:- George Harrison releases "My Sweet Lord" single in the US.
24th Nov,1991:- Freddie Mercury, lead singer with Queen, dies.
25th Nov,1952:- 'The Mousetrap' written by Agatha Christie, opens in London's West End.
26th Nov,1865:- "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll is published in America.