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On Gaudete Sunday, we remembered the anniversaries of Tom Herlihy, Patrick & Mary Noonan. Ar dheis Lamh Dé go raibh a nAnamacha dilís.

Christmas Masses: Sunday 24th, Mass in Granagh 10.30am. Christmas Eve Mass, on the 24th at 6pm. Christmas Day, Monday Dec 25th, Granagh 10.30am.

Ballingarry:- Sat 23rd- at 7pm. Sun 24th- 7.30pm. Mon 25th - 9.30am.

Thought for the Week: Your children will grow up and Only remember the Love & Laughs at Christmas ! Not what they got !! Children need Presence more than Presents..


Sincere thanks to all who purchased Trócaire Gifts of Change or donated on Saturday last at O'Gradys and O'Gormans. The total collected was an amazing €2,452.35. Everyone was so generous and it was great to meet up for the chat as well. Know that you have helped make a huge difference to the lives of some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people. You have bought gifts of Chicks, Seeds & Tools, Goats & Emergency Water, which helps families feed & support themselves. You have bought gifts of Solar Lamps, School Lunches & School Kits to help further a vitally important education for children. You have helped families by buying Soap, Menstrual Kits and Family Essential packs. You have helped Grandparents who now take care of their orphaned grandchildren. You have helped new Mothers to give their babies a better start in the world. You have helped women & children in Gaza to receive Mental Health support. These are wonderful gifts to be able to give to people who really need and appreciate them. Many many thanks for your generosity and to both Shops for use of their car park. Also thanks to Nora for the bag of used stamps. Wishing you all a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


For the month of December, we lovingly remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Tom Herlihy & Joe Scanlon, Kingsland. Josephine Murphy & David Hartigan Coolruss. Maura & Kevin O'Donoghue, John O'Rourke, Doorluss. Bridget & Daniel Fitzgibbon, Noreen Ann Biggane, Kilmore. John Carey, Patricia Whetham, Mary Noonan, Ned Chawke, Granagh. Tom Horgan & Michael Pitman, Lisduane. Margaret Sheehan & Joseph Toomey, Kilatal. Tommy Broderick, Kilmacanearla. Jimmy O'Carroll, Liskennett. Kitty Noonan, Ballyguile. Owen Daffy, Knockfierna. William Leane, Thurles. Ellen O'Connor, Croom. Laura Enright & Richard Collins, Banogue. Mary O'Leary, Cork. Mary Sheahan, Loughill. Bridie O'Brien, Ballyagran. MaggieMae McMahon, Tullylease. Anna Neville, Croagh. James O'Brien, Ruan. Mary McNamara, Ballybrown. Nancy Cregan, Derryclough. Í gComhluadar Dé go raibh a nAnamacha.


Granagh National School is now accepting enrolments for Junior Infants, starting in September 2024.

The Admission Notice and Admission Policy, including the Admission Form, are available on the website, or through the school office by contacting Maureen at (061)399081 or emailing The closing date for receipt of application forms is January 26th 2024.


The first Christmas concert in the Hall for quite a number of years and it was a night of great entertainment. Many thanks to the performers for giving their time & talents and thanks to you and our sponsors for supporting the event. Our local Irish dancing class opened the show, their first performance and they were great. Well done to Caoimhe Sheehy, Alicia Kiely, Niamh Hartigan, Kate Callaghan and Óran Kiely. A credit to their teacher Linda Ball-Hoban of the FlemingBall Dance Academy. Two of her older students gave a beautiful demo of a modern hard shoe dance as well. We had another first performance from the newly formed Ceoil Cumaisc Quartet, from the Musica Fusion School in Charleville under director Susie Butler. Thanks to Maeve Cussen, Lilly-Belle Hartnett, Tom O'Flaherty & Ava-Brielle Mupada.

Following on, Jim Chawke recruited a few locals for a comedy sketch but he had desperate trouble trying to get them to learn their lines...!! Thanks to Jim, Patsy Power, Theresa Noonan and Mary for their efforts. Jacob Butler was next on his double bass with a piece from Bach Bourree No1.

We had songs & music from John and Davey O'Riordan who perform regularly at the Rambling Houses. Next we had Eoin Butler who performed two intricate guitar pieces - La Alhambra and The Entertainer. Tom Noonan sang two Christmas songs for us, accompanied by Roisín Lavery on keyboard. The first half ended with the very talented Irish dancer, Rudy Picha performing his rendition of a piece from Riverdance, called Thunderstorm. Wishing him the best of luck as he heads to the world competitions in Scotland, next year. Starting off the second half we had ' The Liskennettes'. These ladies perform at the Brian Kennedy concert every year and they did three songs for us, thanks to Susan Moran, Helen Picha, Aoife Kelly and Cat Wilson-Young. Next we had Liam & Michéal Fitzgibbon, no strangers to performing, who gave us two tunes on the Uilleann pipes. We had Izzy Dooley from Banogue who recited her Scór entry ' Ach I dunno', to great applause. She was followed by the Banogue Scór group who performed their comedy sketch, ' The Hurling Season'. Then Tommy O'Riordan performed ' The Story I tell you is True'. Rudy performed another hard shoe set for us. He was followed by Susan Browne-Burke, who is vice principal of Colaiste Na Trocaire and musical director/producer of the Newcastle West Musical Society. She is just after completing a Master's degree in vocal performance. You could listen to her all night. Closing the show we had Granagh Folk Choir with director Roisín Lavery, finishing off with some seasonal songs. Thanks to the organisers for arranging a great community get-together and to the volunteers on the night, inside and outside in the rain, who kept everything running smoothly. We will have to do it again.


'The Hucklebuck' by Jack Reardon, is on the menu for Jan '24. Jimmy Sheehy attended the Clonmel Junction Arts Festival and saw Jack's play and felt it would be ideal for the group - once they learned how to dance...!! The inspiration for this story came from how Jack's own parents met in Dromkeen dancehall.

Originally from Clonmel, Jack studied Communications in DCU and completed the MFA in Theatre Directing at The Lir Academy. He went on to be assistant and associate director at some of Ireland’s leading theatres - The Abbey, The Gate, The Everyman, Landmark Productions & The Birmingham Rep Theatre. He is artistic director of Stagecraft, one of Ireland’s largest and leading youth theatres and often works in The Lir Academy as both a teacher and director.

Hucklebuck takes its name from Brendan Bowyer and the Royal Showband hit single of 1965, which was the anthem of a generation. The showband era had a profound influence on Irish social life, particularly in the 1960s and ’70s, playing live cover versions of popular hits of the day, and bringing a night of excitement at least once a week into the lives of young people. The music will bring back lots of memories, bands such as The Clipper Carlton, The Dixies, The Cadets, The Capitol, The Indians, Big Tom, Mick Del, Maurice Mulcahy etc, depending on age of course !! The showbands were a phenomenon. It was already a time of change. You started to have writers like Edna O'Brien, Angela McNamara, who were giving a voice to young women in particular, about it being OK to want more from life. More anon. Performance dates, Fri, Sat, Sun, 26th, 27th ,28th Jan, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th Feb.

USED STAMPS: There may be a bit more post than usual coming through the door, so remember to keep those stamps, which can be donated to the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart, for their missionary activities in East Timor and Cuba.


It's hard to believe that the Weekly Observer is celebrating forty years in production. Delighted to see that its owners, Jerry & Mary Morrissey were honoured with a civic reception in Rathkeale. The paper has given voice to local communities, who can now promote all that happens in their parishes and indeed keep communities in touch with each other. Eighty pages of news, photos, sports, advertising, farming, business, health & nature features etc, all for only €2.50 - you couldn't get better value.! Of course, the staff of the paper are excellent too, a pleasure to deal with always. Continued success to this valuable publication.


Even before the New Year began, JP McManus finished this one out in his own inimitable & generous style, yet again.! What an unexpected bonus for any club's coffers. I haven't see anyone else follow his example though...

Back to everyday life in the parish, thanks to all those who volunteer in the many & various organisations. It's not always easy but the time given ensures these groups survive and keep the parish alive. They give their time for the benefit of others, however this is not always recognised.

Thanks to all our Carers, Nurses, Doctors for looking after the sick and suffering. Thinking of all who may be sick at home or in hospital and those in nursing homes. We might remember those who are on their own, Christmas can be an extra lonely time. Thinking of the families who have been bereaved during the year, Christmas is a difficult time for them. We welcome new families to the parish and hope they enjoy their time here. Thanks to our Teachers, Fr. Tom, parish secretary Marian, Sacristan Kathleen, the members of the various Church groups, Roisín and the choir. Welcome home to those who are holidaying for the Christmas, hope you have a lovely break. Thanks to all who follow our WEB page at home and abroad. Wishing you all a Beautiful Christmas and a New Year of Good Health, Peace & Happiness.

Le beannachtaí an Linbh Íosa um Nollaig agus ar feadh na hAthbhliana.


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