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APRIL brings the Primrose Sweet.


TABLE QUIZ: Friday 5th Apr: The Rock Bar, 9pm. In the run-up to the GAA Oskars, a few fundraisers are being held to help defray the costs. 'The Snapper ' gang are inviting you to a fun night out and you needn't have read the book !.

CHOMHBHRÓN : The unbelievable sad news of the death of Marie Downey (nee Cullinane) formerly of Ballyagran and her baby Darragh, stopped everyone in their tracks. Shock, sorrow, grief were the immediate reactions. The loss is devastating for her family, the only thing we can do is to remember them in our prayers. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to her husband Kieran, her sons James and Sean, her parents Jim and Helen, in-laws, aunts, uncles, relatives, and her many friends. She was reposed at her home in Knockanevin, on Friday 29th with requiem Mass in St Michael's Church, Ballyagran on Saturday followed by burial in Castletown Cemetery. Í gcomhluadar Dé go raibh a nanamacha.

DANCES FOR YOUTH PILGRIMAGE: Friday 5th Apr: Long Court House Hotel: Dancing to Michael Sexton from 9pm - 12pm. Sunday 7th Apr: Monagea parish Hall: Dancing to Michael Cahill from 3pm - 6pm. Both dances are in aid of a youth pilgrimage to Medjugorje, being organised by Fr. John Mockler.

ORGAN DONOR WEEK: March 30th - April 6th: The well-known radio and television presenter Ray D'Arcy is this year's ambassador for organ donor awareness week, having taken over the baton from Claire Byrne. Under the campaign slogan # Have the Chat, Organ Donor Awareness Week 2019 is encouraging the public to support organ donation for transplantation. It is most important to let loved ones know your wishes - by carrying an organ donor card, or permitting Code 115 to be included on your driver's licence or downloading the 'digital organ donor card' APP on your smartphone. All proceeds go towards the Irish Kidney Association’s aid for patients on dialysis and those patients fortunate enough to have received a kidney transplant. The Irish Kidney Association’s charitable activities include the provision of a 13-double bedroom, free accommodation facility for patients and their families in Beaumont Hospital and plans for the development of a similar facility at Cork University Hospital are underway. There are approximately 550 people in Ireland awaiting life-saving heart, lung,liver, kidney and pancreas transplants and thanks to the gift of organ donation, almost 4,000 transplanted people in Ireland are enjoying extended life.

WORLD TREE WEEK: March 31st - 7th Aprl: Planting for our Planet. It is a great idea to mark a special occasion by planting or gifting a tree. Not only will it combat climate change but it is the most efficient way of removing carbon from the atmosphere. It will definitely out-last any other type of present.

AUTISM AWARENESS WEEK: April 1st - 7th: The United Nations General Assembly declared that April 2nd of each year will mark World Autism Awareness Day. The Irish Society for Autism is a registered charity and through their information services, they have helped thousands of parents, families, educators and health workers. In addition to their phone-line, they deliver training, they work with schools, they undertake research and establish residential facilities.

LIMERICK FESTIVALS: Lots of interesting events happening in Limerick this month. ' Limerick Fringe ' is happening from 3rd to 6th Apr, various venues in the city. It supports homegrown creativity and welcomes national and international acts. It is a not for profit organisation that looks to support artists and producers to promote new and vibrant arts to a wider audience. ' Hearsay Audio/Arts Festival' will be held in Kilfinane from Thursday 4th to Sunday 7th. Apr 6th - 28th: ' Limerick Soviet 100 Festival ': In April 1919 a general strike shook Limerick to its core. For two weeks workers took over the city, controlling food production and prices, and creating their own police force and currency. One hundred years on, the Festival will celebrate this hidden history, and bring it to life for a new generation. An amazing new play written by Mike Finn - Bread not Profits - will be presented at the Old Cleeves Factory, from 16th - 27th April, tickets available through the Lime Tree.

SPRING FAIR: Sunday 14th Apr: It's coming up to that time of year again where you can Spring Clean for the Spring Fair. They are looking for items which they can sell such as - Books, Cakes, Wine, Spirits, unwanted gifts, games etc - but the latter have to be in good condition. They are also doing a clothes Recycling Drive on the day linking up with the NCBI ( National Council for the Blind). They will accept bags of clean clothes, shoes, handbags, belts etc. No cushions, duvets or pillows. You can drop them into their campus in Baker's Rd., Charleville.

TROCAIRE: Don't forget your Trocaire Boxes, which will be taken up during the Easter celebrations. Your gift, however small, could provide comfort to families in desperate need.

DIARY: Fri 5th Apr: ' The Snapper ' Table Quiz in The Rock Bar. Tue 9th: Yoga Class in Community Centre at 7.30pm. Fri 12th: Cystic Fibrosis National Day. Fri 12th: 80s Disco Rathkeale House Hotel-In aid of Milford Hospice . Sun 14th: Spring Fair, St. Joseph's, Charleville. Fri 19th: Team Limerick Clean-Up. Wed 24th: Give Blood, Colaiste Chiarain, 5pm-8pm.

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