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Who Knew - There's a Book about It.


Last Sunday, we remembered the anniversaries of Catherine & Patrick Lynch, their son Jim and daughter Eileen Simcox. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a nAnamnacha dilís.

Thought for the Week: No one expects you to be perfect; nor should you.


Liskennett has been nominated by AIB, for their community fund. They need your vote before 12th June !

Visit: to vote. They want to win funding to build new pathways and refurbish existing ones . The information you will need to fill the form is as follows; Charity Name - St. Joseph's Foundation. Charity Registration No. - 20016104. Location - Munster. Theme - Sustainability.


Fri 31st, 8.30pm-10pm: Are you a parent of a neurodiverse child and/or are you neurodiverse yourself? The Neurodiverse Parenting Group is a brand new social support group for parents of autistic, ADHD, ADD and otherwise neurodiverse children, to meet like-minded peers for social evenings, support and much more.

Please come along to a free informal event in the Market House, Newcastle West, V42 Y425. Refreshments included on the night. No prior registration needed, drop-ins during this time are welcome.


The parish meeting was held last week with regard to the future of the Parochial house. Votes were taken on the three questions and the majority decided that the parish should purchase the house. Of course, this will wholly depend on the formation of a sub-committee of interested people who will take the project forward. They will be looking after details such as applying for funding, fund-raising, coordinating work on the house etc.

As stated, on the night, Granagh Dev. are not taking on this project as their remit is mainly to look after the community centre.

It would be a very worthwhile project to be involved in for a number of reasons. It is the last piece of parish property we have, with a fine house and a valuable parking area to the front; working in partnership on a committee is a great way of getting to know people; it brings a community together for a purpose; everyone involved will find that they learn from the experience; it is like the old form of ' the Meitheal ' where everyone helped out and cooperated in order to get the job done and it was always enjoyable.


Back for the June bank holiday weekend. Fri 31st; Kimo Memorial Cup. Sat 1st; 12-3pm. Magical Fairy Trail at the Mustard Seed, followed by Tea Party at Condrons. Sun 2nd; F amily Fun day 3pm. Featuring 'Vintage Tractor Pull' in aid of Carol Liston O'Connor Fund. Richard O'Donoghue's Team are sending out the Challenge - Who can beat their team.!!! Gig Rig every night.


Tue 4th & Wed 5th June. Devon Inn Templeglantine, 16.50 - 20.10.

Thursday 13th June, Rathkeale House Hotel, 16.50 - 20.10. Please call 1800 222 111 to book an appointment.

We never get to choose when to need blood. But we can choose when to give...!

There is a constant need for more blood donors, and in particular post Covid, when numbers of new blood donors annually, dropped significantly. Every single day, blood donors save over 200 lives in Ireland.


Fabulous line-up of events during the choral festival.

Thur 30th, 7pm in UCH. Concert featuring a selection of local and regional youth choirs, Cantette, Gaelscoil an Ráithín, Kildysart Children's Choir, Milford N.S and Thomond N.S., under the baton of Musical Director Máire Keary-Scanlon.

Fri 7th June, 7.30pm, UCH. 'The Swingles' one of the world’s most admired vocal groups, who have earned five Grammy Awards, will perform a mix of jazz, classical, folk and pop from their ever-growing repertoire of arrangements.

Sat 8th June, 8.30pm, Redemptorist Church. This concert will feature local and visiting choirs, performing a diverse programme including sacred, traditional and folk songs. All presented in the beautiful surrounds of Limerick city’s Redemptorist Church. Presented by Lorcan Murray.

Sun 9th June, 4.30pm, St. John's cathedral. This delightful Afternoon Proms concert will feature a light choral programme performed by local and visiting choirs. Expect everything from pop to classical – the perfect Sunday afternoon of song to round off the 2024 Limerick Sings Festival! All events can be booked on -


The society are staging 'An Evening of Short Plays' in Gaelscoil an Ráithín, V941X59 on June 19th & 20th.

Three fantastic plays lined up, where they bring you excerpts from hilarious comedies directed and performed by Cecilian stalwarts. - 'The Successful TD', by Jon Kenny/MaryMcEvoy. 'Anger Management' by Robert Scott. 'Rabbits are no Substitute for Men' by Charlotte Court. Should be an interesting night of drama. Tickets on :


25th May,1900 - John Hunt, expert on mediaeval art, is born in Limerick.

26th May,1897 - First publication of Dracula, written by Dublin man Abraham ‘Bram’ Stoker.

27th May,1930 - The 319m Chrysler Building in New York, the tallest structure at the time, opens to the public.

The record remained for 11 months, until overtaken by the Empire State.

28th May,2000 - The Atlantiquarium on the Prom in Salthill, opens. Built in the shape of a fish.

29th May,1917 - Birth of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th US president, in Brookline, Mass.

30th May,181 - Micheal Wm Balfe, one of Ireland’s greatest composers, gives his first public performance, aged 9.

31st May,1970 - Death of Arkle, the greatest Irish steeplechaser of all time.


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