The SNOW Arrives:

GRANAGH UTD: Friday 8th March, 8pm, The Rock Bar: Fundraising RACE NIGHT; 10 Races with10 runners per race. Last Race will be an Auction where the ten runners will be auctioned off on the night. Like to sponsor a horse for €20, like to sponsor a race for €200. A great nights entertainment guaranteed. The Club would very much appreciate your support.
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's DAY: To mark women's struggles for equality and economic justice. Newcastle West Library will again mark this event in music, song and words on Friday 8th March at 8pm. Invited guests include Anne Phelan, Castlemahon, violin virtuoso and member of the National \concert Orchestra. The Desmond School of Music, adult choir fresh from their performance at the Limerick Choral Festival. Jo Slade, an artist and poet will read from her own work. Joining her, fellow poet Eileen Sheehan from Kerry and local poet Shirley O'Regan. There will be a Wine & Roses reception at 7.30pm, admission is free and open to beoth men & women.
CAMOGIE 45 DRIVE: Monday 11th Mar, 8.30pm: The Annual 45 Drive is back in Granagh Community Centre for the G/B Camogie Club. Great Cash prizes, Table prizes and Raffle. Teas will be served.
CAMOGIE REGISTRATION: Friday 15th, 7 - 8pm: Young ladies, please take note - Granagh Ballingarry Camogie Club are holding their registration night for all members in Ballingarry Community Centre. On Saturday 16th, they will be in Granagh community centre from 11 - 12pm. Any club gear ordered will need to be collected then. They will also have copies of the Granagh Ballingarry Year Book on sale, produced in conjunction with the GAA and Ladies Football.. It has lots of great photo’s from all teams and events during 2018 and will be a great souvenir. Finally, due to new rulings from Croke Park and in line with GDPR regulations, we will need consent forms to be signed on the night by a parent, so we can continue to use whatsapp during in 2019. Therefore it is important that all parents attend our registrations. '' Making time to exercise and clear your head is essential. Young people need to have outlets in their lives and being active in a sport is one of the best things they can do." says ex-Ireland rugby captain Fiona Coghlan.
DAFFODIL DAY: Friday 22nd March: Keep in mind, Mary Morrissey's Daffodil Day event at her home in Coolruss for the Irish Cancer Society. Daffodils may be scarce after the snow but she will go ahead anyway.
100 yrs of WOMEN IN PUBLIC LIFE: An exhibition which shines a spotlight on the stories of very familiar and less well known women, who have contributed to political and public life over the past century. It contains unseen family photographs, films, interviews, objects, clothes and even music that evokes each era of women in public life - it features all the female TDs, Senators and MEPs. It is laid out in a chronology from 1920s to 2000s. The exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to encourage people of all ages to reflect upon the journey that the women in this country have taken, over the past 100 years. It is a celebration of all that has been achieved but with an awareness of the considerable work remaining to be done. The exhibition will run from 18th February to 29th March (Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm) in Istabraq Hall, Limerick County Council. Further Events: Friday 8th at 11am. Kilmallock Library. A free talk on 'Living Life Well' . Get inspiration, practical tips and guidance. Also, at Friars Gate Theatre - Friday 8th March 8pm the Richard Harris International Film Festival present ' Women In Film ' - celebrating the achievements of women in film, with a series of eight short films. Tickets €7.
DESMOND COMPLEX: The friendly staff at the Comlex provide a great service every week. On Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday they provide a three course meal and live music and dancing. Meals can also be ordered and collected for someone in their own home. For further details contact them on 069-62757. Plus monthly Bingo on Wednesdays. The Irish Wheelchair Assoc provide a day service on Wednesdays for anyone with mobility impairment. Contact IWA coordinator on 061-327234 or email -
DIARY: Tue 5th Mar: Yoga in Community Centre at 7.30pm. Thur 7th- 15th: North Cork Drama Festival, Charleville. Fri 8th Mar: Int Women's Day - NCW Library, 5pm - Words, Song, Music. Fri 8th -10th: 'Thy Will be Done' by Manister Drama, 8pm. Sat 9th -10th: Cappagh Drama-'Move over Mrs. Markham', 7.30pm. Wed 13th: Rathfredagh Coffee & Dancing, 10-4pm. Fri 15th - 18th: St. Patrick's Festival, Limerick.