As we welcome members of the victorious team on Wednesday 5th, I came across an interesting item on West Limerick Today's facebook page regarding the Cup -
Liam really is home..
Every county that wins the All Ireland Hurling Final claims they are 'bringing Liam home' but we in Limerick can say that with real meaning, as Limerick were the first ever County to win the trophy back in 1923. The Liam McCarthy Cup was first presented to Limerick after they beat Dublin
in the 1921 All Ireland Final (the match wasn't played until 1923 due to political upheaval).
Limerick Captain Bob McConkey was the first man to receive the trophy. The original trophy was designed and donated to the GAA in 1922 by Liam McCarthy, Chairman of the London GAA County Board, of which Michael Collins and Sam McGuire (whom the All Ireland Football Trophy is named after) were also both members. The design of the cup is based on an old Irish drinking vessel called a Mather (or Mether), or 'loving Cup' and replaced the Great Southern Cup. Liam McCarthy himself was an Irish Nationalist, born in Southwark in London on the 21st May 1853. He was the son of Irish emigrant parents, Eoghan and Brigid (who was born in Bruff, Co Limerick), who had emigrated from Ballygarvan in Co Cork to England in 1851. Unfortunately Liam died a poor man in 1928 and was buried in a pauper's grave in London, with a headstone only erected for him recently.
The GAA ground in Ballygarvan is called Páirc Liam Mhic Cárthaigh - Liam McCarthy Park. The original Liam McCarthy trophy was retired in 1992 and a replica, fondly known as Liam Óg, is now presented to the winning team.
So, as the first ever County to win the trophy, when we in Limerick say welcome home Liam, we really mean it..........
Going back, the history of Limerick's eight All Ireland wins: - 1897 - Limk 3-4 v Kilkenny 2-4, captain Denis Grimes.
1918 - Limk 9-5 v Wexford 1-3, captain Willie Hough. 1921 - Limk 8-5 v Dublin 3-2, captain Bob McConkey. 1934 - Golden Jubilee year of GAA. First match a draw Limk 2-7 v Dublin 3-4. Replay, Limk 3-4 v 2-6, captain Timmy Ryan.
1936 - Limerick 5-6 v Kilkenny 1-5, captain Mick Mackey. 1940 - Limk 3-7 v Kilkenny 1-7, captain Mick Mackey. 1973 - Limk 1-21 v Kilkenny 1-14, captain Eamon Grimes. 2018 - Limk 3-16 v Galway 2-18, captain Declan Hannon.
Longcourt House Hotel Newcastle West.
Appointments available on Wednesday 5th September only. To book please ring 061-306980. Walk-in Clinic on Thursday 6th September, 5pm - 8pm. South Court Hotel, Raheen Roundabout - Tuesday 25th Sept, 5.30pm - 7pm.
They are on the road again. Dan Boohan Memorial run takes place on Sunday 9th December, departing from Dempsey’s Pub Meanus, registration takes place from 1pm with all cars departing at 2pmsharp, all funds raised will go towards IMND,
( Irish Motor Neuron Disease), entry is €20 per car.
Congratulations to the Granagh Ballingarry Minor B Hurlers who won the County final in Coolyroe over the weekend. Well done to the management team of Micheal Clancy, Eoin Kennedy, James Flynn and Liam Casey. Team: - David Lynch (Capt), , Eoin Enright, Sean English, Conor Lynch, Sean Murphy, William O'Regan, Denis Sheehy, M.J. Purtill, Rory Condon, Eoin Herlihy, David Bennett, Gearoid Lynch, Aaron Noonan, Owen Lynch Sean O'Connor, Josh Mulcaire-Quille, Jeremy O'Connor, Darragh Casey, Keith O'Kelly, Bryan Mulqueen, Luke Flynn, Adam Long, Philip Byrnes & Michael Russell. David Lynch picked up an injury during the match, so we wish him a speedy recovery.
A Farmer's market will be held every Thursday, 10.30am - 12.30pm, at the Garden Centre, Bruree. Lots to choose from, Bread,Preserves,Salmon,Pottery,Crafts,Candles and Handmade cards for all occasions, all local. Enjoy a cuppa in the coffee shop after you browse the stalls.
While you are there, don't forget to register for the upcoming Gardening Classes.
A self-management course for people living with arthritis or fibromyalgia will start in Limerick on 27 September. The Living Well with Arthritis course has helped over 6,000 people in Ireland and has been proven to make a positive impact on participants' quality of life. Learn about understanding pain, fatigue, medication, exercise, diet, relaxation, how to make an action plan and more. Book your place today at:
Arthritis Ireland Limerick Branch.
Saturday 8th at 8pm, a German Gospel Choir are visiting with a selection of English, African, Gospel and spiritual songs.
Saturday 21st is Culture Night.
Beginning on 22nd Sept, there will be a monthly Creative Writing Workshop with Sheila Quealey. Also Children's Choir will commence during the month with Lisa Finn.
Pulsewave Ireland is back with clinics in Limerick. Tuesday 11th Sept at the Rathkeale House Hotel and Thursday 13th Sept in the Longcourt House Hotel. Open from 11am to 8pm, they check blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, arterial flexibility, blood circulation etc. It cost E30 pp or E50 per couple. Phone Jim for appointment, 087-7151623.
Work is scheduled to begin in the Community Centre on 10th September so we will not be able to cater for the usual night classes or meetings etc until it is completed. However, there are a number of classes around locally, to keep you going over the winter.
Musica Fusion School Charleville: - Adult beginner guitar class Mondays at 8pm to 8.45 - Still a few places left.! Did you know that by learning only three chords, you can play loads of songs.
Adult classes in conversational Spanish taught by a native speaker.
Beginners classes run over fourteen weeks, from Saturday 15th, 12pm - 1pm.
learn how to order food, get directions, converse simply and with confidence! Limited spaces available so book now. Phone Susie on 0879873379!
Yoga with Joanne in Croom Civic Centre, beginning Saturday 15th Sept, 10am - 11am. Contact 087-6975424.
VOLUNTEER: West Limerick Red Cross are having a recruitment night next Tuesday the 11th at their base (Desmond Business Park) from 8pm to 9pm.
If you, a family member or friend have any interest, please come along and check it out.
Congratulations and best wishes to Tom & Marian Noonan, Kilmore, who were celebrating their 37th wedding anniversary, last week.
We also send our best wishes to Grace & John Griffin who are celebrating their first Anniversary on 6th Sept.
'' May your Day be filled with Happy memories of the Past and Bright Hopes for the Future.''
Fri 7th Sept: Jimmy Osmond Show at the Lime Tree.
Sat 8th: U.C.H. - Concert celebrating 25yrs.
Sat 22nd: Cottage Market, Peoples Hall, Kilmallock.
Thur 27th: UCH - Eurovision Show.