William heads for Sth. Africa

Congratulations, once again, to William Kelly, Coolruss, who was selected for the 2018 Irish Open Squad!
William, along with the rest of the Irish squad will face the UK in Horetown this June and will travel to South Africa in August to take on the hosting nation and current world champs!
William is a member of Limerick Polocrosse Club and earlier this year
received the All Ireland award for Best B Grade player for 2017. A great achievement, best of luck in the upcoming matches.
CANCELLED: Wednesday evening 25th - due to unforeseen circumstances it will not be possible to have our usual Evening Mass in Ballingarry this week. We apologies to all who are inconvenienced and regret the short notice.
Family fun day out at Adare Heritage Centre this Saturday 28th April at 12pm - 2pm Croagh School of Music & Rising Stars Music School will showcase their talents to the public, performing a variety of their work.
The next class will be held on Sunday 29th April, at 11am in the Community Centre.
Sunday 29th Apr: This year St. Joseph's Spring Fair takes place at 1 .30pm in the Baker's Rd campus. It is a major fundraiser for them and your support would be appreciated.
Stalls include - Cakes, Books, Toys, Home Produce, Euro Stall, Wheel of Fortune, Sewing, Crafts, Ceramics & the Garden Centre will be open.
Attractions - Pony Rides, Bouncing Castle, Super Slide, Guess the Glugger, Face Painting, Golf Putting & Goal Kicking.
Monster Raffle - 1st prize €1,000. 2nd € 500. 3rd €250, plus many more valuable prizes.. Adm: Adults €3. Children Free. Senior citizens €1.
We are delighted to announce that we will have a special Talk at our next market on Saturday 5th May on the Basics of Growing Vegetables. The talk will be given by Lynda from Rockbarton Garden Centre. She will cover a little on growing your own veg, as well as a little on making up your window boxes or hanging baskets. The talk will last for a half hour with questions at the end. It will begin at 12pm. Please send us a message through this page if you're interested or text 0874122572.
Tuesday 8th May: date of the next meeting of T
he Garden Fete committee. They are held once a fortnight on a Tuesday, if you're interested in joining. Meet in the prayer room in Rathfredagh Cheshire Home @ 7.30 pm. #rathfredagh
Well done to the Granagh/Ballingarry Community Games, Culture Corner members who are now County Champions. They are now through to national finals in UL,in May. They gave a marvelous performance, well done to all involved.
Congratulations also to Granagh Utd U12A team. After a long fought season they took the Division 2 League title .... Undefeated !....
Well done to coaches Pat O'Shea & John Ferguson.
Happy Birthday wishes to Donie O'Connor who celebrated his 70th birthday, in The Rock, at the weekend.
Anniversary Mass, last weekend, celebrated for Jimmy O'Gorman & Jimmy Morrissey.
Weekday Masses:- Wednesday 9.30am & Friday 7.00pm in Granagh.
A copy of the Parish Accounts 2017 is now up on the noticeboard in the Church. If you use the envelope system, you should have received your receipt - if not contact Fr. Dan.
Examination Time:- Include student's name in the Prayer Book in each Church.
Last call for any remaining Trocaire Boxes, parish collection will close after Saturday 28th.
Wed 25th Apr: Give Blood at Rathkeale House Hotel, 5pm - 8pm.
Thur 26th - 28th: Limk Musical Soc present 'Jesus Christ Superstar' - Lime Tree.
Fri 27th: Charity Ceilí in aid of Down Syndrome in Longcourt Hse Hotel, 9.30pm.
Sat 28th: Granagh First Holy Communion.
Sat 28th: Donerale Park, 11am, Walk/Run in aid of Holy Family School, Charleville.
Fri 4th - 7th May: RiverFest in Limerick city.