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We are preparing for our annual Drama Fest, dates his year are 27th, 28th & 29th Jan and 3rd, 4th & 5th Feb. Jimmy Sheehy, is back as this year's producer.

Presenting ' The Hostage ' by Brendan Behan.

The whip is out and its three nights per week from now on, Hail, Rain or the expected Snow are not valid excuses !! Jimmy is bringing one of Behan's most popular but rarely produced plays to Granagh. The main themes running through the play are innocence set against the political motives and ambitions of others, the erratic power of authority and the Anglo-Irish relationship. Behan never lets us forget the conflict and the hatred between the two groups.

​The music hall tradition of Dublin ​is very evident as the play suddenly switches between comedy, serious political commentary and bursts of popular nationalist ballads. Behan adapted the story of a young British soldier being held captive by the IRA while a young IRA volunteer awaits execution for killing a policeman. The action takes place in a seedy run-down rooming house in Dublin run by Pat (Tony Sheehan) and his so-called wife Meg (Marylee Stapleton) who are used to fighting for, against and with each other and anyone else within hearing. The owner of the house, Monsewer, (Jim Chawke), a comrade of Pat's from the Irish Civil War whose mushy mind is kept somewhat intact by his incessant bagpipe playing. Behan has added many outrageous characters that add to the bizarreness of the events. Mulleady ( Paddy Tierney) a decaying civil servant in search of love. Miss Gilchrist ( Lily Hanly) a religious do-gooder. Drag Queens, Rio Rita (John Bennett ) and his partner Princess Grace ( Theresa Noonan). Collette (Mary Flynn) and Ropeen (Margarite Lynch) lady escorts and a Russian sailor (Tom Noonan) who's still got lots of Bolshevik Bounce ??? More next week.


Tonight, Wednesday 11th at 7.30 - 8.15pm, weekly class in the Community Centre, for anyone who might need to burn off a few calories. Classes are a mixture of high intensity interval exercise, circuits and group exercises. All fitness levels welcome. Bring your mat.


​We offer our sympathies to the family of the late Betty Harrold, Ballyagran, who passed away on Sunday 7th.​ She will be sadly missed by daughter Kay, sons John, Eamon and Tom, relatives, neighbours and many friends. You will remember, Betty and her camera attended almost every event in the county and her photographs adorned the pages of the Vale Star and Observer. She has accumulated a wonderful history of the county through her photos. Everyone got to know Betty and loved to have a chat with her. She was a fountain of knowledge and information. Ar dheis Dé ar a hanam dilís.


The local Talent Competition will be held at the end of January, date to be confirmed. Events included - Solo Singing, Solo Dance, Solo Music, Solo Recitation, Group Dance - Modern & Disco. Group Dance - Irish Contemporary. Group singing, Group Drama & Comedy Sketch, Group Music. Age categories, U10, U12 & U16s. U10s is county level only.

At Area level, participants can take part in as many activities as they wish. To progress to County level, participants/acts must have performed at local level. Any queries, contact Stephanie Sheehy 087-6327581 or Shane Markham 086-8181524.


Please hold onto those postage stamps.! They can be used to raise funds for research into Motor Neuron Disease. You can drop them into Mary O'Regan or directly to Maureen Finnegan, Newcastle West.


Enrollment for Junior Infants​.

The closing date for receipt of enrollment application for the 2017/2018 school year for St. Josephs National School, Granagh is January 31st 2017. ​ ​

Application forms are available from the school. For further details please contact the school on 061 - 399081.


Art Class, beginning on Monday 16th January in Ballingarry Family Resource Centre (beside the hall) from 7pm - 9pm. €40 for 5 weeks. Everyone welcome to join in.

Parent/Toddler Group is in Ballingarry Family Resource Centre every Monday Morning from 9.30am. Different Activities every week. All are welcome. For information please ring 069 - 68054.


Departing to Medjugorje from Shannon on 6th September. Fare €709 ( €659 if you book by 1st Feb). Contact John O'Brien for further information 061-380614.

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