Poppy's Parting Performance:

A final standing ovation for the final night, what a way to finish this year's run.!! Everybody was in top form and with another great audience in attendance, everything ran smoothly. After so many months of rehearsing it is very rewarding to stage a successful production which was enjoyed by so many. Lots of compliments were received which was a testament to all the hard work by cast and producer. Needless to say the cast and crew are supported by an excellent committee and group of volunteers. Those who donated prizes for the Raffle were absolutely fabulous. They gave us wonderful prizes and so many that we had plenty to cover the extra night.
Sincere thanks to all concerned, go mbeirimíd beo ag an ám seo arís.
Banogue Parish presents their hilarious 3 Act Comedy by Sam Cree and directed by Mike Larkin, on
this coming weekend. It went down a treat last weekend, so it will be busy on Thursday 11th - Sunday 14th February inclusive Banogue Community Hall at 8pm sharp.
Admission: Adults €10.00, Children €5.00
Ladies Ladies ...... a night out not to be missed !! Friday 19th Feb. Fashion, Make-Up, Wardrobe, Hints & Tips from Ursula Stokes One lucky lady will have her make-up done .! Outfits from Ela Maria's Boutique, Newcastle West will be modelled . Wine Reception & Raffle on Door Ticket. Adm. Only €5 pp. Granagh Community Centre.. 8pm. All welcome. We hope to see ladies of all ages attending - grandmothers to teens.!!
Ursula launched her business career in 1985 with the Ursula Stokes Modelling Agency and rapidly became one of the country’s leading and most successful modelling agencies. In 1990, she decided to restructure and expand the agency to provide a wider spectrum of services for those who wanted to enhance their opportunities in an increasingly competitive society. No longer confined to fashion and modelling, the business became known as The Ursula Stokes Agency, offering a comprehensive range of courses and workshops for all age groups. Today it is recognised as one of the most successful course providers over a wide area with courses ranging from Interview Techniques and Personal Development to Style, Image & Beauty Workshops, Deportment and Grooming and working with girls aged from 6 to 12 in the kids & Pre Teen Clubs. Ursula also designs tailor made lectures for companies, third level colleges, schools and organisations . With this wealth of experience, who better to give a talk.
Lotto Results: 5th Feb : No Winner. Numbers drawn - 21. 22. 26. 30.
Lucky dips: John O'Brien, Bruree. Dan Sheehan. Sean Deane, Bruree.
Jackpot for next week €3,050 . Tickets can be purchased from O'Gormans Shop, The Rock Bar and
Hickeys Bar, Croom..
Wednesday 10th is a day of Fast and Abstinence. Mass in Granagh 10.00am and in Ballingarry 7pm. Ashes will be distributed after both masses. Trocaire Boxes available in Churches.
Thursday 11th Feb is feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes and World day of the Sick. Mass will be celebrated in Granagh at 11.30am.
For anyone that has missed out, the following are the six themes up for discussion at the Synod in April.
1. Community & Sense of Belonging. 2. Faith Formation. 3. Pastoral care of the Family. 4. New models of Leadership. 5. Liturgy and Life. 6. Young people. Over the next number of weeks there will be the possibility to make proposals regarding all of these areas.
Congratulations to Amy and Ger Mullane, Kilatal, on the arrival of their first baby, - Lily Kate who weighed in at 7lbs 3ozs. Her three cousins, next door, will be on hand to keep an eye on her, I'm sure !!
Wishing Ryan Fitzgibbon a very happy 13th birthday. Tara Enright, Kilmore, celebrated her 21st birthday with family and friends. Congratulations and best wishes.