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December: Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire


Lotto Results: 27th Nov: No Winner. Numbers drawn - 10. 17. 21. 30

Lucky dips: Marian Sheehy, Coolruss. Mary Ryan, Croom. Jessica Murphy, Croom.

Jackpot for next week €2,600. Tickets can be purchased from O'Gormans Shop, The Rock Bar and

Hickeys Bar, Croom.


BUTTERFLY Club - This coming weekend in both churches, a collection will be taken up for the Butterfly Club in Rathkeale. They do fantastic work every Saturday, providing leisure activities for children and young adults with special needs, while providing respite for parents.


" It's the Real McCoy " by Tommy Marren and produced by Mary Liston. Second and final week in Banogue Hall, from Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th Dec, 8pm. Adults €10 and Children €5. A hilarious comedy, plenty of laughs, wonderful night's entertainment. Watch out for Vincent Griffin, as the you have never seen him before.!

DEFIBRILLATOR News: It was decided at a recent defibrillator committee meeting that the dedicated mobile phone that has been used for the past number of years will be decommissioned. The reason is, that the phone had not been contacted in the seven years since we bought the defibs and it was also believed that the response time would not be quick enough. There are 2 defibrillators in Granagh - one at O'Gormans' shop and one outside the Rock Bar. These have recently been equipped with break glass units with a key for ease of access...we believe there are many people in the parish who have Defib training through work or school . Training in basic life support and use of defibrillator is once again being offered, hopefully in January . We particularly ask anyone involved in the sporting organisations to avail of this . All people who have previously trained are due to re-train. Please contact Anne Hickey 086 8615864, Nora Mullane 087 6679835 or Breda O Keeffe 086 3215372.


Saturday 5th Dec: - Art & Handwriting Competition in Ballingarry Hall. Age categories for the Art are U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and it must be based on a community games activity. Bring your own materials. Age categories for the Handwriting are U10 and U12.

Model Competition: - Age categories U10, U12, U14, U16. If interested, contact Stephanie Sheehy.


To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Charleville Lions Club - in conjunction with St. Joseph's Foundation - they have invited The Three Tenors to perform at Holy Cross Church, Charleville on Saturday 5th Dec. The New York Times raved that this tremendous trio’s performance was ' The most delicious box of chocolates your ears could ever have'. Playing up to one hundred concerts annually in major venues throughout Ireland and the UK - Derek, Ray, and Dominic promise you a night to remember ! Their thrilling, fast-moving concerts boast set lists that are packed with the world’s most magical and uplifting numbers. Tickets are €25 and are available from The Forge, Charleville Credit Union and reception at St. Josephs'.

RETIREMENT: For anyone considering retirement, an information morning will be held In Cootehall, Kilmallock on Thursday 10th December, 9am - 1pm. This is open to everyone, both farmers and non-farmers. Topics:- Contributory and non contributory pension, widows and widowers' pensions, handing over the family farm and the tax implications, homecare and the fair deal scheme. Guest speakers - Teagasc, Citizens Information, FDC Accountants.

MILFORD's LIGHT: Milford Hospice ' Light up a Memory' will be held on Sunday 13th Dec. If you would like to sponsor a light for someone dear to you, please contact 061-485859.

CAMOGIE 45 DRIVE: Granagh/ Ballingarry Camogie club are holding their fundraising 45 drive on Monday 14th December at 8pm in Granagh Community centre. Top prize of €300, plus table prizes. Also raffle, with Hampers to be won. It was a very enjoyable night last year, so support if you can.


Congratulations to students and teachers from Coláiste Na Trocaire, Rathkeale who participated in the Sunday Mass, broadcast from RTE studios . They were all excellent, spoke and sang beautifully. The choir and musicians were directed by Ms. Jean O'Brien. Well done to Sean English, as cool as a cucumber, that young man !


Many hands make light work.. If you are willing to lend a hand to help keep our churches clean, please give Fr. Dan a ring, 069-68141.


Check out photos from ' Strictly ' and a sneak peek of Granagh Players during rehearsals. For anyone away from home it's a great way of keeping in touch with parish news and sports.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS: For some other options this year, why not donate to or Irish Guide Dogs for the blind, 1850-503-300 or

DIARY: Fri 4th Dec: Youth Club. Sat 5th: Coolruss Xmas Lights switch on, by Cork Rose at 5.30pm. Three Tenors in, Charleville. Mon 14th: 45 Card Drive.

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