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News from Knockfierna Hill

It was great to see all the young people from Granagh United Soccer Club climbing the hill to raise funds for the club. Also a special mention for Davy and Niall for opening the gate and leaving it open for the three days. October is the month the Jack & Jill foundation have set aside for their walk a hill fundraiser, so as you walk on the hill during the month think of the little children and go online and donate a little , it will help a lot. Great news of of the visit of a V.I.P , we have given a lot of information about famine times and the history for the last 100 years and we expect to see a write up in the National Press in the next few weeks. We have two people booked on the Trail Maintenance course with Sport Ireland which should help bring the Knockfierna Trail up to National standard. As last Sunday was National Walking Day it was great to see all the people walking on the hill on Sunday even with the inclement weather. To join Knockfierna Whats-App group as we are trying to organise regular evening group walks for the winter. Text 087-2214938.

Happy Walking ! ..."The Best Things In Life are Free"


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