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AGM Time:

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, 

   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; 

Conspiring with him how to load and bless 

   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

John Keats.


Our AGM was held last Tuesday, with a good attendance and new faces. The aims of the Association are to promote and assist in the development of Granagh parish, by improving facilities & working for the interest of the community, thereby improving their quality of life. Their main objective is the maintenance of the Community Centre, so that all local organisations can avail of its facilities. Added to this, the Parochial House will be leased from the Diocese for a two-year period with the aim of opening it to the public as a community Hub with upstairs space for remote working. The Diocese would prefer if we bought the house but that is a big ask. A lot of work has already been done by the committee in securing the lease and applying for funding for a feasibility study. Lots more work to be undertaken before the door will open, so we wish the best of luck to the Officers elected for the coming year; Chairman, Joe Power. Vice Chair, Shane Twomey. Secretary, Emma McMahon. Booking Sec, Eileen Power. Treasurer, Mike O'Regan. Asst. Treasurer, Anne Hickey. PRO, Mary O'Regan.

Éigse Michael Hartnett:

Thur 6th to Sun 9th October; The 23rd Éigse Michael Hartnett Literary & Arts Festival, commemorating the late poet, will take place in his hometown of Newcastle West. Over four days and nights, the town that helped shape the late poet, will play host to a wide range of talented poets, writers, musicians, singers and artists in a packed programme of exciting and engaging events. The festival will be bookended by two lively public events, bringing the festival and its work onto the streets. The Hit Machine Drummers will herald the opening, in the Square at 7pm and will lead a Lantern Parade to the library where they will perform outside. Official opening at 8pm by the Mayor, Francis Foley. Guest speaker Gerry Stembridge with songs by Brian Hartnett. The Michael Hartnett Poetry Award 2022 will be presented in the Library.


'MyMove' Counselling Services cordially invites you to their official launch day on Saturday 8th October.

Get your free ticket at MyMove Reception on the day. Followed by Mental Health Presentations and a Meet and Greet with the Limerick Team in the People's Park at 2pm. Come along and meet John Kiely and the Limerick Hurling Team. Activities include: Mental Health Talks, Free Raffle for a Signed Limerick Jersey, Free Signed Sliotars, Photo with the Limerick Team. For more info see or phone 061-639010.


Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th October; The Joyce Brothers Music Festival in collaboration with Ballyhoura Walking Festival is taking place in Kilfinane this coming weekend. For those interested, the festival commemorates Patrick Weston Joyce (1827-1914) and Robert Dwyer Joyce (1830-1883) who were famous Irish poets, writers and collectors of traditional Irish Music. The festival includes historical walks and talks on the history of the locality during the Joyce Brothers era, live concerts and Seisiúin traidisiúnta, exclusive workshops and guided tours of the beautiful Ballyhoura area.


The Shark is the only fish able to blink with both eyes.

Qatar has the shortest national anthem - 32 seconds long.

Greece has the longest national anthem - 158 verses !

A Giraffe's tongue is purple.

The body uses 300 muscles to balance itself while standing still.


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