WARM SEPT BRINGS THE FRUIT, Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

For this week there will be mass in Ballingarry on Monday (31st) at 7.00pm and in Granagh on Friday (4th) at 7.00pm.
Parish Masses next weekend will continue as usual on Saturday in Ballingarry at 10.30am and 7.00pm and in Granagh at the same times on Sundays.
THINK BEFORE YOU FLUSH: This is actually a public awareness campaign about the problems certain items can cause, to our marine environment and our wastewater systems. It might seem like common sense but you cannot flush everything down the toilet. Everyday thousands of wet wipes, cotton buds, medicines, cigarettes, plasters, nappies and sanitary products are flushed down toilets in Ireland instead of being put in the bin. This causes costly blockages in our homes, businesses and wastewater systems, ultimately leading to sewer overflows in communities and plastic pollution in rivers, on beaches and in the ocean. The campaign is operated by An Taisce and is supported by Irish Water and invites you to make small changes in your bathroom behaviour.
" Think before you Pour" - When fats, oils and grease are hot and in liquid form, they pour easily down the sink and appear harmless. However, when they cool, they solidify and build up inside the pipes causing serious blockages. To remove this is a difficult and expensive process. Running the hot tap water will not help grease float through the sewer pipe ! It is recommended to Can the Grease - pour into a biodegradable container and when cool, throw into your brown bin. You can also wipe and scrape plates before washing and use a sink strainer to collect food particles.
A new household recycling list has been issued and there are now only three main items that should be going into your bin. They should be clean and dry and placed loosely in the bin.
Paper & Cardboard:- Letters, brochures, newspapers, toilet and kitchen rolls, cardboard boxes, juice and milk cartons.
Rigid Plastics:- Drink bottles, cleaning bottles, plastic milk cartons, fruit & veg trays, soap, shampoo bottles, butter tubs, yogurt cartons.
Tins & Cans:- Drink cans, food cans, dog food tins and any made of steel and aluminum.
One recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a light bulb for 3 hours.
Plastic can take up to 500 years to fully decompose.
Our local entrepreneur, Susie Butler, is delighted to finally be reopening her music school after six months closure. Adding to her already wonderful facilities, she will now have a Music Shop within the school. Saturday September 5th is the opening day for the new music shop which will be open from 10am to 6pm. There will be many special offers, little free gifts and some wonderful musicians demonstrating the stock between 10am and 2pm. Some of her stock includes a lovely range of Trad instruments and books, new Stentor and Primivara, all sizes, plus second hand violins and cellos of all makes and sizes that don’t break the budget! New and second hand saxophones, trumpets, trombones, flutes and clarinets! Two nice mid range electrics and a few lovely classical guitars if you feel like spoiling yourself and Masks with a musical theme, of course!!
The school open day will also be on between 10 and 1. The teachers will be there to talk to you about various options and instruments and we will have free trial classes.
Covid restrictions will apply and wearing of a mask and social distancing is absolutely essential. Booking for the trial classes must be done in advance so we can control our numbers and operate the day safely. We ask for your patience in this regard! Trial classes in - Preschool Ballet, Primary Ballet & Tap, Junior/Midi Hip Hop, Creative writing and Performing Arts. Only six children per class so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Contact Susie on 087-9873379.
GARDEN WALK & TALK: Terra Nova Gardens, Dromin: 5 dates - 8 Sep – 13 Sep. Enjoy a relaxing guided tour of the garden this September with Deborah. Cost €12 per person. The event will begin with an hour long walk & talk through the garden followed by another hour for you to enjoy the garden at your own leisure, have tea & coffee in the Hobbit House or Thai House and a browse in the gift shop. There will be a maximum of four adults per tour and pre-booking is essential. To book a place email us on terranovafairygarden@gmail.com or message on www.terranovagarden.com
The friend was whats-apping again, and seems to think I fit into this category?
" I just discovered my age group, I am a Seenager ( senior teenager).
I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 55-60 years later. I don't have to go to school or work, I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don't have a curfew. I have a driver's license and my own car. I have an ID that gets me into bars and wine stores. I like the wine store best. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant, they aren't scared of anything, they have been blessed to live this long, why be scared ? And I don't have acne. Life is Good !
Also, you will feel much more intelligent after reading this, if you are a Seenager. Brains of older people are slow because they know so much. People do not decline mentally with age; it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains. Scientists also believe this makes you hard of hearing as it puts pressure on your inner ear.
Also, older people often go into another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came in for. It is NOT a memory problem; it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise". So there !!
1st Sept, 2018:- Aretha Franklin's funeral held in Detroit with forty pink Cadillacs
2nd Sept,1987:- takes out a full page NY Times as lambasting Japan.
3rd Sept, 1977:- Last broadcast of ' The Mary Tyler Moore Show' on CBS. 4th Sept, 1972:- Mark Spitz wins a record seventh gold medal.
5th Sept 1972:- Black September attacks Israel athletes during Munich Olympics
6th Sept,1941:- Jews ordered to wear yellow Star of David in Germany.