All Good after the 13th Production....

We wont see these Faces for another Year....!!!!!!!
GRANAGH PLAYERS: What a brilliant run we had over the last two weekends, once again, director Jimmy Sheehy chose a winner for our thirteenth production. 'The Government Inspector' went down a treat with audiences. For a play that was written in 1836, it is amazing how topical it was, especially in the run-up to the weekend elections. Richard O'Donoghue called in, after a long day canvassing and the only 'brown envelope' produced was a donation towards the raffle. Again, this year, we were astounded by the generosity of our raffle sponsors - sincere thanks to each and every one . Our lucky audience members were treated to at least six or seven fabulous prizes each night. A list of sponsors is given out to each member of the play and committee so that they can support them where possible. Our volunteers and committee, played a blinder again this year. Signs went up in good time and were taken down immediately after. The Hall was tidied and prepared. Our front of house team have the very important job of meeting, greeting and welcoming everybody and then getting them seated. The Kitchen is busier than an airport on these nights ... in one corner there are a group sorting out raffle prizes, another group stapling books of tickets, the tea ladies are sorting food, teas and medicinal concoctions and the shop staff are preparing for the half-time onslaught. The actors, in various stages of undress, add to the melee, while Marian Sheehy is floating around snapping photos of all the goings-on. She records these memories for us, in her wonderful photo books. Eimhin arrives to get the Lights set up and has time for a Cuppa or three. No supper at home these nights - the mother gone out again - so luckily he can sample some tart, buns, sandwitches etc..!!! While we are nice and cosy inside, our car parkers are out on duty in all weathers making sure every space is used up. There is an air of great camaraderie about the place, which also helps ease the nerves for everyone. Having twenty four people in a small space together, there's no room for big egos..!! Luckily everyone gets on well, they can have a laugh and any slagging is taken in good spirits (with a dash of lime) ! Mary and Lorraine have their make-up station set up and one end of the room while Marylee is curling, spraying and titivating the ladies at the other. You wouldn't get it at the Oskars.!! Actors are a remarkable group of people - whatever has been going on during the day, has to be forgotten about while total concentration is required for a few hours. Remembering lines, in front of a crowd, can be a nightmare, more especially as we loose more of that valuable grey matter. Our actors take this in their stride and if they can't remember they ad lib, which is another talent in itself. Alot of fun and laughs were had at this play leaving us with lots of good memories and that's what it's all about. Although, I did hear the Chief Super was having withdrawal symptoms after giving back the uniform !!! Bolshoe Spasibo as they say in Russian - a huge ' Thank you' to one and all.
PUTTING your HOUSE in ORDER: A series of FREE events in February about the End of Life. It's a topic most people avoid talking about, but it is an important one to discuss, especially if you have specific wishes that you want to carried out. What happens if you or a loved one becomes incapacitated? What happens when a loved one dies? Do they have special requests? What happens with their estate? Do they have a will? Traditionally we don’t like to talk about planning for what happens in the case of a medical emergency, where a person cannot make decisions for themselves or making known their wishes for when they die. This planning is essential so that a person’s family can plan according to their wishes, not their best guess for what the person would have wanted. ‘Putting Your House in Order’ sessions will give advice on a range of topics under four main headings:- Care Preferences – Advance Healthcare Directive, Designated Healthcare Representative, Life-Sustaining Treatments, CPR etc. Legal – Enduring Power of Attorney, Making a Will etc. Financial – Bank Accounts, Insurance, Life Assurance, Credit Cards, Tax Affairs, Pensions etc. When I Die – Organ/ Body Donation, Post-Mortem, Funeral and Burial Arrangements etc. The session will be delivered in two parts, the first part will cover wills, enduring power of attorney and other legal issues, and will be delivered by a solicitor. The second part of the event will be delivered by a representative of the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF). They will focus on the other three headings, Care Preferences, Financial and When I Die. The ‘Putting Your House in Order’ events are FREE but places are limited so booking is essential. Thursday 06 Feb– Istabraq Hall, Limerick City and County Council. Friday 07 Feb– The Woodlands House Hotel, Adare. Monday 10 Feb– The Longcourt Hotel in Newcastle West. Thursday 13 Feb– The Millennium Centre, Caherconlish. Friday 14 Feb– Istabraq Hall, Limerick. Registration for each event takes place from 10.30am on the particular day, with sessions beginning at 11am until 2.30pm, with a mid-point refreshment break. For more information or to book a place at one of the events, please contact at 061557541 or at 061 557353. It is worth pointing out that this is not limited to older people. These are matters that should be considered no matter what stage of life you are at, young parent, empty nester or older person.
PARENTS ASSOCIATION: Granagh parents' association have tickets on sale at O'Gormans' and The Rock for the Irish Times Fantasy Rugby - they are fundraising for a sign and flag. Log onto and register your team ahead of the Six Nations and join the public league - 'Granagh PA' . Winners will be announced six days after final match. 1st prize - €200. 2nd prize - €100. 3rd prize - €50.
SINGING BURSARY: Chairperson of Rathkeale Community Arts Group, Norma Prendiville announced that they are delighted to offer the fourth Christopher Lynch Singing Bursary award, for singers who are keen to develop their talent further. The award scheme is the initiative of Rathkeale Community Arts Group and is named in honour of the late tenor Christopher Lynch who was a native of Rathkeale. This bursary is worth €1500 and must be spent on voice-training, voice development or study by the successful applicant. Closing date 20th March.