New Year; New Decade:

CHOMHBHRÓN: Our deepest sympathy to the family of Owen Daffy, Lisduff, and late of Knockfierna, who passed away peacefully on December 28th, in the wonderful care of the Milford Hospice staff, after a long illness bravely borne, son of Eileen and the late Michael. Very deeply regretted by his wife Sarah (nee Madigan), loving children Saoirse, Michael and Daniel, mother Eileen, brothers John, Thomas and Michael, sisters Joanne and Anne-Marie, mother in law Noreen, relatives, kind neighbours and his large circle of friends. He was reposed at Daffy’s Funeral Home, removed to St Joseph’s Church, Granagh, followed by Requiem Mass on Monday 30th and burial in the local cemetery. Go mbeidh leaba i measc na Naomh aige.
GRANAGH PLAYERS: We hadn't heard a word from Granagh Players, however they have been beavering away on their next production. Jimmy Sheehy had to travel further afield this year to find a play - Russia - not allowing distance or language stand in the way of his desire to entertain the masses ! He found the comedy '' A Government Inspector '' written by Nikolai Gogol back in 1836 during a time when government surveillance and censorship was at its height. A comedy of errors, that provides clever commentary on the extensive political wrongdoing of Imperial Russia at the time. When it opened, it caused an uproar in the Russian press. It was very surprising that it was even allowed to be performed at the time, as it appeared to make a mockery of the political system. It has been translated and adapted for many different productions, the only one in Ireland was by Roddy Doyle at the Abbey in 2012. It has been adapted now by Granagh Players, where the Mayor of a nameless provincial town receives a notification that a Government Inspector is en route for a visit, but travelling incognito. The Mayor calls a meeting of his town officials - the Judge, the Inspector of Schools, the Doctor, the Postmaster, the Matron who are all distressed that their various scams, bribes, and derelictions of duty might be sussed out. They all have to put their affairs in order as quickly as possible. At the very same time, an impoverished civil servant ( if there is such a thing ), with notions of himself, happens to be staying in the local Pub/ B&B. However, he has been gambling and lost every penny so is in debt to the landlord while starving for a bit of dinner..!! Could things possibly get worse.? Hoping to be ready to perform on Jan 24th, 25th, 26th & 31st and 1st, 2nd Feb.
GENEROSITY: We will always have people in need but equally we hope, that generosity of spirit that Ireland is know for continues into the next decade. Recently Live 95Fm announced the result of their ' 95Stop Tour for Limerick Children'. An amazing €95,095.00 was raised throughout Limerick to be divided among, Cliona's Foundation, The Children's Grief Centre and CARI. For the last number of years the Christmas FM radio station comes on air at the end of November until the end of December, with staff giving their time free of charge. They choose a charity each year and this year's was Barretstown, in Kildare. Barretstown provides free camps and programmes which help children and their families deal with the emotional and physiological scars often left after months and years of treatment for serious illness. The total collected for the month was an unbelievable €210,000. The Limerick Trócaire Volunteer Group would like to sincerely thank everyone who purchased their Christmas Gifts. Over €4,000 was raised of which €1,517 was donated by Granagh & Ballingarry.
BABY NEWS: Congratulations to Emma & Roy McMahon on the arrival of their first baby, Charlie, on 3rd Jan. Out in Majorca, Ailish (O'Regan) & Keelan Mills welcomed their second child, on 5th Jan,a little boy also, Caiden.