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' Red Sky at Night '

MONTH's MIND: Saturday 19th at 7pm, the month's mind Mass for Chris Purtill will be clelebrated, in Granagh.

WILDLIFE TALK: Wednesday 23rd Oct. 7.45pm in LIT: Anneke Vrieling from Feale Biodiversity will give a talk on invasive species and their impact. She will also cover what native species are good for wildlife. Should be of interest to gardeners, schools, tidy towns groups etc.

SHOE BOXES: The 10th Annual Team Hope Christmas appeal. Boxes need to be dropped off before Fri 8th Nov. What you need to do;- wrap a shoebox in christmas paper and fill with gifts for boys/girls aged from 2 up to 14. What you might include - Write - copies, pens, pencils, colouring books, markers, rubber, topper, solar calculators. Wash - combs, hairbrushes, toothbrushes/paste, facecloth and soap (wrapped). Wear - hat, scarf, gloves, socks, underwear. Wow - sunglasses, small games, sweets, doll, teddy, yo-yo, puppet, skipping rope. Further info on

TREE GIFTS: Tree planting is an investment in the future and a good way of balancing the books. You will no doubt have heard of the Amazon forest fires - the lungs of our planet !!! We can do our bit to help - give a Christmas gift of a tree - it will outlast most other gifts. !! Any month with a 'R' in it, is bare root planting time, October to April. It will provide oxygen, support a diverse range of wildlife and give unending pleasure.

JEKYLL & HYDE: Newcastle West Musical society rehearsals are well under way for this year's production, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It will run for six nights in Castlemahon Community Centre - Thur 24th, Fri 25th, Sun 27th & Thur 31st October at 8pm. Final two nights are Fri 1st & Sat 2nd Nov. Taking on the main role will be Michael Greene a graduate of the CIT Cork School of Music, Susan Brown plays the part of Lucy and 17yr old Katelyn Davis is Emma. Under the direction of Susan Brown and Tom Madigan, this should be another excellent production.

GRANAGH DEV. ASSOC: Thanks to all for attending our AGM. Last year was a very busy year as detailed by our Secretary and Treasurer. Both the Hall project and Liskennett Car park project happened to begin at the same time. Both sub-committees had a huge amount of work to do in applying for LEADER funding and then overseeing the actual work. They eventually got through them, with a lot of help. Our thanks to Kevin Carroll, Cllr. Richard O'Donoghue, John Lynch Concrete & Cllr. Stephen Keary, Croagh for volunteering their time, knowledge, equipment and products. In the short term, signs still have to be erected in the car park with on-going improvements in the long term. Officers elected for the coming year: Chairperson; Liam Houlihan. Vice Chair; Joe Power. Secretary; Niamh O'Hanlon. Minute Sec; Emma McMahon/ Natalie Stapleton. Treasurer; Shane Toomey. Asst. Treas; Eileen Sheehan. PRO; Mary O'Regan. Forum Reps; John Bennett, Joe Power, Mary O'Regan. TEXT ALERT : Completed forms have now been collected. If you missed out, please give your form to any member of Granagh Development

EASY WAYS TO GO GREEN: We are facing so many huge problems in relation to the environment that one doesn't know where to start. However, small changes make a big difference. (1) If we gradually swap from standard bulbs to LEDs - it will cut our emissions by 80% and slash our energy bills too. (2) Switch off unnecessary lighting e.g. standby bulbs on your TVs, laptops, game consoles etc - cuts down on energy and is also safer. (3) Big savings can be made - both euro & carbon - by purchasing A Plus appliances . They do cost more but will cut our annual footprint down from 175kg Co2 to 116kg. (4) How we use our appliances is important e.g. filling the dishwasher and then reducing the setting from 65 to 55 degrees will actually reduce emissions from 84kg to 51kg per year. (6) Did you know there is such a thing as a greener search engine, from the usual - google, bing, yahoo etc. It is called ' '. It works like all the others BUT they use their profits to plant trees - since I changed over thirty five trees have been planted as a result of my searches.!! - over 70m in total since they started in 2009.

CHURCH NEWS: Annual Harvest Mass:- will be held on the weekend of Oct 26/27th. This is the weekend we share our many blessings with those who have not been so lucky. This year our food and gifts will be donated to the Simon Community and Adapt House in Limerick. Easter Pilgrimage:- After the meeting last week, all the places have been booked out. Some more seats might become available in early November, so if you wish to go on a waiting list, please send your details to the parish office - Bereavement Masses:- Granagh, Sat 9th Nov. Ballingarry, Sun 10th Nov. Both masses will be at 7pm, so no morning mass in Ballingarry that weekend.

BABIES ARRIVE: These two babies took their time arriving. Congratulations to Jessie Stapleton and partner Niall who welcomed their first baby, Darragh, last week. On Monday 14th, Mags and Martin Treacy, Killoughty, also welcomed their first baby, Roisín Bridget. Best wishes to the parents and grandparents as they look forward to exciting times ahead.

DIARY: Fri 18th - 20th: Garry McMahon Weekend, Abbeyfeale. Wed 16th - 20th: I.NY 2019, Limerick. Sun 20th: Afternoon Tea Dance, Bruree Hall. Tue 22nd: Yoga in Granagh Hall at 7.30pm. Wed 23rd: AGM, Community Games. 8.30pm. Fri 25th-Sun27th: One Act Drama Fest, Friars Gate. Sat 26th: Cottage Market, Kilmallock. 11am.

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