Granagh / Ballingarry pictured at the U12 Blitz in Semple Stadium with coaches Shane Toomey and Pat Horgan and the McCarthy Cup.!
The next opportunity to give blood will be on Wednesday 2nd Aug, in Rathkeale House Hotel, 5pm - 8pm. Three thousand units of Blood are needed every week.!
This coming weekend, we have the chance to show our appreciation for our wonderful parish clerks. They are available 365 days of the year. It has become very difficult for many parishes to find Clerks, because of the time demands required. People have very busy lives and find it difficult to give a few hours of their time for anything. !! Imagine the commitment Kathleen & Mary have to make. They play a vital role in the efficient running of the parish and it would be virtually impossible to carry on without them.
There was an extraordinarily generous response to the Trocáire appeal for East Africa, at Mass last weekend. The total received was €1,547.50.
Well done to Pat O'Donovan and Committee, who continue to celebrate the tradition of Lughansa on the Hill. On Saturday evening, there was a guided walk, led by Pat, detailing the customs and folklore. On Sunday evening, Jim McNamara, Horticulturalist, led a walk and talk on the flora and fauna on the Hill. He was most interesting and knowledgeable on the plants and their medicinal uses. The common Hawthorn, we pass everyday, with white/pinkish flowers and orange/red berries in Autumn. You can use the leaves on salads, in Spring. The flowers make a lovely Summer cordial and a wine. The Haws which are good for the heart, can be made into Haw Ketchup in the Autumn. ( Ref- The Wild Kitchen, Lahinch).
Plenty of Gorse on the Hill, the flowers of which are edible or can be made into a salad dressing.
Hurts/Bilberries/Fraochán can be used as a mouthwash and anti-inflamatory for the throat.
On our walk,he pointed out the colourful pink Bell heather, and the very tall deep pink flowers of the Herb Willow. You will often see a small yellow daisy-like flower, by the pathways, which is called Tourmentil. An even smaller white daisy-like flower found on the hill is called Eyebright. Used as an infusion for an eyebath or as a nasal sniff for colds.
He also told us that the berries of the Rowan/Ash are lovely added to apple tarts in the Autumn. At the top of the Hill, there was a profusion of yellow flowers, these are called Lady's Bedstraw. Before there were lovely soft mattresses, ladies used to put these flowers on their beds to keep away the fleas !
Hopefully, Jim will return again, at a different time of the year..
Friday 4th - 7th Aug: - BFest, Ballingarry. Sat 5th Aug: - Cottage Market, Kilmallock, 11am.
Sat 5th Aug: - Springfield Castle Market. 10am.
Sun 20th Aug: - Greybridge Harvest Fair , Meanus.