Jim Chawke is 60 !

Kathleen & Fr. Dan, with Munster & All-Ireland Soccer Cups.
Fr. John Hannon, Kilmacanearla, who served as a priest of the Diocese of Sacramento for nearly sixty two years, died on 5th June at 87yrs of age. He was ordained on June 12th, 1955 at the Cathedral in Thurles. Along with ministering in many different parishes in Sacremento, he served as Catholic Chaplain to the U.S. Navy at Hamilton Air Force Base from 1987 - 1990. He retired from active ministry on 15th June, 2004, but continued to serve as administrator in several parishes in the diocese. We offer our sympathies to his nephews the Butlers, Pat Tom, Mike, Tony and Ger and Eamon Houlihan, also his nieces Bernie Sheehan and Mary Walsh.
Mass will be celebrated for Fr. John, this coming Saturday 8th July at 7pm, all welcome. Go raibh leaba í measc na Naomh aige.
Granagh Utd F.C. are looking for an U18 team manager for next season. Contact Jimmy Sheehy 087-3243067 asap.
Croom Community Outings:
Monday 24th July: - to Ballyhass Lakes, Aqua Park, Mallow, Co Cork. Bus Leaving Croom Family Recourse Centre at 10:30am.
Tuesday 25th July: - Dundrum Shopping Centre, Group leaving via public Transport.
Contact Laura for more information on 061 60287. Summer camps.: Still places available for the first week. Dates are 10th – 13th of July, 10:30am – 02:00pm.
Ages 4-12, lots of Activities - face painting, wall climbing, hair wraps, games, and lots more. Chiropody
will be held on this Friday the 7th of July at the Croom Family Resource Centre at 10am. No appointment needed first come first served basis.
Sunday Aug 27th in UL campus, the annual fundraiser for Milford Hospice. Would you believe it is their 40th anniversary this year of serving the people of the Mid west and further afield. They rely on your support to continue their service provision and the new development of the thirty four bed Hospice unit, which is expected to open before the end of the year. Usual attractions, Bric-a-brac, grand Raffle, Book and Bottle stall, Vintage, lots of kids entertainment and fantastic prizes on their Wheel of Fortune.
WL 102Fm:
West Limerick Radio have introduced a new weekly draw, which is done live on air each Friday. Tickets are available from Coughlan's, Castlemahon. Sheehans' & O'Donovan Assoc, Newcastle West, Rathkeale post office and the Radio Station on Sheehan's Rd.
Congratulations to AnneMarie (Aherne) & Maurice Lenihan, Croagh on the arrival of Zoe Allis a new sister for Leagh and Dara.
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of ESB the company are offering FREE tours of the power station, which at one time, powered the entire country. Visitors will be able to experience the headrace, canal, locks, view the turbine hall and control room and see the newly refurbished visitor centre. Tours run from 1st July to 31st Aug, for more info see esb.ie
THANKS: Eileen wishes to thank all her wonderful students in Granagh whether you came for one or all of her classes, shared her Facebook posts, put up flyers, or recommended her classes. Big thank you to her Mam for the fresh flower arrangements each Sunday . She will be back in September with a new invigorating class to add to your practice. Keep breathing in the meantime. She will be posting tips and inspiring quotes on her facebook page - Sheehanei - till then.
We have a number of parishioners who either are or have been in hospital. We wish them well with their recovery.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday wishes to Jim Chawke, who celebrated his 60th, in style, at the Rock Bar, last weekend.
Thur 6th - Sat 8th Jul - Relics of Mother Teresa visit St. Johns, 7.30pm, but 3pm on 8th.
Thur 6th July: - Comhaltas Seisún begins, Devon Inn, 8.30pm.
July 6th - 15th: - 'Angela's Ashes' the musical, Limetree Theatre.
Sun 9th July: - Demesne Market, NCW. ( opp Aldi).
Mon 10th July: - Hup na Houra Show, Kilfinane.
Wed 12th July: - Film ' La La Land ' , Friarsgate. 8pm.
Fri 14th,Sat 15 Jul: - Jumble & Bake Sale in Desmond Complex for Temple St.
Sat 15th July: - Comedy ' Buridan's Ass', Friarsgate.
Fri 18th Aug: - Comedy 'Fred & Alice' , Friarsgate.