Sunny July ????
Skills Winners:
Mark O'Shea, Jack Lynch & Eoin Herlihy from Granagh National School Who won the West Hurling Schools Skills Competition held in Mick Neville Park, Rathkeale.
We offer our sympathies to Breege O'Brien, Ballyguile, on the death of her mother, Mary (Maimie) Kane, of Ardnagreevagh, Renvyle ,Co.Galway. Beloved wife of the late Mikie. Sadly missed by her daughter Breege, son-in-law Donal, granddaughters Alice and Isabel, brothers Padraic and Eammon , sisters-in-law , nephews, relatives and friends. Funeral ass was held on Monday 4th with burial afterwards to Renvyle Cemetery. Go dtuga Dia suáimhneas sioraí di.
Judging in the above competition took place on Liskennett Farm, Monday 4th July and it didn't rain.!!! Many thanks to those who turned up to lend their support. David Doyle of St. Josephs gave a talk on the background, why and how it was set up. Eamon Waters, Chairman of the Board spoke and informed us that eight years ago they catered for 600 service users, now that figure has risen to 1200. Figures in Ireland show that one in one hundred are diagnosed with Autism/Aspergers which equals about 45,000 people. Representatives from Ballyhoura, County Council, the ETB, JP McManus Foundation, TeamDaveRiordan and Granagh Development spoke on their involvement with the Centre. Everyone had very positive things to say and that they were delighted to see the results of their funding being put to such good use.
Two parents also spoke and they really brought it home to those present how the centre has changed their lives and that of their childrens'.
The mother of a 23yr old girl spoke how they finally their minds are at ease knowing that she is very well looked after and she is happy in her surroundings. A father of a 7yr old boy spoke about how they can finally have a family day out, only in Liskennett, and even if he has a meltdown, nobody takes any notice. Once he is with the horses he is a changed boy, calm and happy and he will be more relaxed the following week. Another mother I met on the way in, her son went towards the stables as fast as he could go and she said Liskennett was a blessing for their family - he hadn't had a meltdown since Sept 2015.!!
This is the result of the wonderful work done by the staff in this specially designed centre. Wishing them continued success, they are winners already. Photos of the day can be seen on our web page.
Two free performances from Scotty Knemeyer, Hawaii, on his water powered Jet-Deck this Friday evening 8th.. The first at 8pm in front of the Curragower Bar when he will fly up to 70ft in front of the Castle. The second will be on the Abbey River, in front of the Locke Bar at 9.30pm. He performs amazing tricks and back flips and is one of a few performers who can carry a second person on his board. Definitely something different.
On Tuesday July 12th, the international jury who will judge Ireland's three candidates for the prize of European Capital of Culture, will visit Limerick.
An open invitation has been issued to the people of Limerick to help convince the judges that they have come to the right place. A street party will be laid on and the Committee hope that lots of people come to the City to create a carnival atmosphere.
Controversy is still ongoing re this proposed and pointless footbridge in the city. It has been made clear that the millions available from both the public exchequer and a private donor is for an ' iconic ' riverside project, only. That means if it doesn't go ahead, the money cannot be used for anything else. However it could be used towards a more innovative design giving people and visitors a reason to go and see it.
Richard Rice of Healy & Partners drew up an alternative plan, which the Limerick Leader printed last week. The council are deciding this month on what is to happen. If you want to contribute to this debate, e-mail to the following - or write to The Editor, 54 O'Connell St.
Musica Fusion classical guitar student -- Olivia Bennett -- is performing with the Irish Youth Guitar Orchestra this Summer. Friday July 29th is the first date on their Inaugural tour.
The concert will be held in St. Marys Cathedral in Limerick at 8pm, tickets available to book online.
We were delighted to welcome Maireád Chawke back to Mass last weekend, a queue formed so that everyone could meet her.!! She had a fall in March which caused various setbacks and heading into her 94th year, she really didn't need that. However, she came through it all and her daughter Mary is chauffeur at the moment. Health is wealth, never a truer word.!
Wed 6th Jul - AGM West Limk Heritage Network, Offices of WLR Resources, 7.30pm
Thur 7th - Chiropody, Ballingarry. 10am - 12pm 069 - 68054
Sat 9th - Pig'n' Porter at Old Crescent RFC, 11am.
Tue 12th - Hup Na Houra, Kilfinane.
Sun 17th - Foynes Air Show. 12.30pm
Fri 29th - Olivia & IYGO in St. Mary's Cathedral.
Jul/Aug - Palatine Centre, Rathkeale. Open Sundays 2-5pm.