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Think Trócaire - for Christmas Gifts.

Yasin Ajasi, 6 in Malawi, holding a goat, one of the life-changing gifts from Trócaire's Gifts of Change range.

A baby goat can completely transform the lives and future of a family struggling in East Africa and beyond.

Your Gift of a Goat will grow up to produce four litres of milk a day! And one day she could have baby goats of her own, who’ll do the same. That’s gallons of nutritious milk for the family, and plenty more to sell at market.

VARIETY CONCERT: Saturday 9th Dec in the Hall, at 8pm. Hope to see you at the Christmas Concert, in aid of the community centre. Lots of variety & talent - singers, dancers, recitation, musicians, a Scór group, Ceoil Cumaisc Quartet and the 'Liskennettes' !! Shop and Raffle on the night also. Adm. Adults €10 & Post Primary Students €5.
CHURCH NEWS: Last Sunday, we remembered the anniversaries of Canon Liam Houlihan, Joe Scanlon and the Lane & English Families. Ar dheis Lamh Dé go raibh a nAnamacha dilís. 8th Dec: Masses for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception - Friday 8th, Granagh 10am & Ballingarry 7pm. Communion: Congratulations to Logan Coban, Ballingarry who received his First Holy Communion during Mass, last Sunday. Christmas Masses: Sunday 24th, Mass in Granagh 10.30am. Christmas Eve Mass, on the 24th at 6pm. Christmas Day, Monday Dec 25th, Granagh 10.30am. Thought for the Week: Excuses and blame are the easy option, they change nothing - Only you can.
GRANAGH N.S: Granagh National School is now accepting enrolments for Junior Infants, starting in September 2024. The Admission Notice and Admission Policy, including the Admission Form, are available on the website, or through the school office by contacting Maureen at (061)399081 or emailing The closing date for receipt of application forms is January 26th 2024.
PILGRIMAGE: Fr. Derek Leonard is hoping to lead a walking pilgrimage of the Camino de Santiago, in the Spirit of St. James, next year on 9th September 2024. Any parishioners from Rathkeale, Knockaderry, Cloncagh, Granagh & Ballingarry are welcome to travel. However, numbers are needed by Dec 10th. Any enquiries to Fr. Derek at 087-6261287. More info on Pilgrimage Itinerary at
COOLRUSS XMAS LIGHTS: Lights were switched on Sunday 3rd and they're on each night from 5.00pm to 9.30pm. Charities being supported this year are St Joseph’s Foundation and Pieta House.
CHOMHBHRÓN: Our condolences to Richard O'Donoghue and family on the death of his Aunt, Peggy McInerney (née English), Ardrahan, Galway, formerly Dromkeen. Peacefully in the wonderful care of the Galway Hospice. Predeceased by her husband Tomo and her siblings Sadie, Patsy, John, Dick, Denis, Ned and Roger. Sadly missed by her children, her brothers, her grandchildren and great grandchildren. May Her Kind And Gentle Soul Rest In Peace She was reposed at her home Friday 1st with funeral Mass on Saturday 2nd.
'GAZA' - FILM : Sun 10tht at 7.00pm, Desmond Complex. NCW Film Club will be showing a screening of the documentary 'Gaza', with proceeds going to UNICEF. All welcome to attend.
AN tIONAD GLAS: Thur 14th Dec; 11am-3pm. The Organic College, Drumcollogher are having their Christmas Market. They will have a supply of organic veg, jams, preserves, herbal products, crafts & plants.
MUSICA FUSION CONCERT: Friday15th at 6pm, at the Music school, Charleville. The programme includes Festive songs and pieces from the Junior & Senior Orchestras, the Junior & Adult Choirs, a Celli and Bass Ensemble, a Grúpa Cheoil, a Wind Ensemble and the Ceoil Cumaisc Quartet! So much talent and Christmas joy! Tickets available at the door, €10/€5. This is a fundraiser for the Musica Fusion Community Orchestra.
G/B CAMOGIE CLUB: Split-the-Bucket Fundraiser; Entries can be bought online at this link or at any of the local shops, chemist & pubs. Please spread the word and hopefully they will have a Bumper Prize in three weeks time. They will also have a 2nd bonus draw for a Hamper, just in time for Christmas Day.
TRÓCAIRE: Sat 16th Dec: If you are looking for a Christmas Gift with a difference, that will make a difference, then the Trócaire gift cards are just the thing. They literally change lives.!! Mary O'Regan will be selling the Trócaire gift cards at O'Gradys, Ballingarry on the morning of 16th from 9am - 12.30 and at O'Gormans, in the evening from 1pm - 4.30pm.
GREYBRIDGE RUN: Sat 30th Dec: The Annual Christmas Lights Run, starting at the Limerick Racecourse, leaving at 5.30pm. This year's charities are @clionasfoundation and @bloodbikemidwest.
BIRTHDAYS: Just happened to hear that Theresa Noonan, Knockfierna, reached the wonderful age of sixty and duly partied the night away, with the family trying to keep up to her.! Over the road, Nuala Stapleton was also celebrating a birthday, just a step up from Theresa. Hope ye had a very enjoyable and special day & best wishes for many more.
DID YOU KNOW: The 4th Dec is the Feast of St. Barbara and there’s a lovely tradition around bringing in a piece of cherry tree and watch it bloom in time for Christmas. It is still popular in parts of Germany and in pockets of Europe and North America. The general idea is that you bring in a cutting from a cherry tree ( in some cases fruit trees or hazel) and place them in water, where they will hopefully blossom on Christmas Day. These are all related to our Christmas tree, holly, ivy traditions in the way of having something alive in your home in the depths of Winter when the sun was at its lowest in the year. The whitethorn would be a complete no-no in Ireland though, as it was seen as bad luck to bring it into a house. There are a lot of stories about St. Barbara but a common one tells us that when Barbara was being brought to her prison cell a piece of cherry tree snagged in her cloak and it blossomed the day she was killed.


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