Weather A Washout !!!

Happy 98th Birthday,
Congratulations to Mairead Chawke on reaching her 98th birthday on Thursday 26th. She hasn't been out and about due to Covid but her daughter Mary and the family are looking after her very well. What a lifetime of experiences she has amassed, wonder what she would make of ' Golfgate ' , 'Trumpgate' etc etc
EXTRA MASSES: For this week and next, there will be mass in Ballingarry on Monday (24th & 31st) at 7.00pm and in Granagh on Friday (28th & 4th) at 7.00pm. Parish Masses next weekend will continue as usual on Saturday in Ballingarry at 10.30am and 7.00pm and in Granagh at the same times on Sunday.
REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED: For the month of August, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Rev. Fr. Dermot McCarthy. Joe O'Donovn, Killoughty. Mary Sheahan, Ballyvologue. Willie Cagney, John Dillon & John J.O'Brien, Granagh. James Morrissey, Doorluss, David Reynolds, Michael Dunworth & Catherine O'Gorman, Kilmore. Bridie Mulcahy, Kingsland. Nora Sexton, Lisduane. John & Una Scanlan, Liskennett. James Broderick, Lisduff. Peter Stapleton, Athlacca. Maurice Sheehy, Croagh. Mamie Duggan, Mallow. Kit McCarthy, Foynes. Sean Hayes, Pallasgrean.
DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: The Hall: After the severity of storm Ellen, we discovered water had leaked through the roof in the main hall. We already had a leak in the small meeting room and had planned on repairs this month. However, this will need further investigation now and may be a bigger job than planned. Thanks to Shane Toomey for power-hosing the windows and plinth - if we can get a few dry days now for a coat of paint. Sustainable Energy Community: The sub-committee are moving forward with Granagh SEC. We sent out fifteen tenders for quotations to develop our Energy Master Plan. Out of the five returned, we have chosen the Tipperary Energy Agency. In the coming months they will be doing an energy audit and will be sending out a survey to each home/business/club/farm to create a road map towards becoming an energy efficient community. It is most important that everyone tries to fill in these survey, to the best of their ability, so that they can get a very clear overall picture of energy usage. They can then provide us with a concrete list of projects, costs, energy savings and methods of funding to support home insulation and retrofit upgrades. Parochial House: A letter from the association has been forwarded to the the Diocesan Property Subcommittee for their September meeting. Liskennett Car Park: Still awaiting word from Coillte on signage for the trails.
CHANGE DONATIONS: "" Change the world with pocket change "" While doing your shopping online or in-store you can round your debit card transactions to the next euro, through @changedonations or on www.change By signing up to 'Change Donations' you can automatically donate your spare change to lots of charities including St. Josephs Foundation, which can be found under human services. It also covers organisations who look after - Children, Education, Environment, Animals, Arts, Health, Sport, LGBTQ and International groups.
ORIGIN OF PHRASES: A friend sent this to me, sounds good but don't know how true it is though.!! *In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have 'the rule of thumb.' *Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden'... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. *Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David, Hearts - Charlemagne, Clubs - Alexander the Great, Diamonds - Julius Caesar. *In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase......... 'goodnight, sleep tight.' *It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon. *In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.' It's where we get the phrase 'mind your P's and Q's'. *Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice. *In 1696, William III of England introduced a property tax that required those living in houses with more than six windows to pay a levy. In order to avoid the tax, house owners would brick up all windows except six. (The Window Tax lasted until 1851, and older houses with bricked-up windows are still a common sight in the U.K.) As the bricked-up windows prevented some rooms from receiving any sunlight, the tax was referred to as “daylight robbery”! Now, there you have it for the next pub quiz....!!!
DID YOU KNOW: 24th Aug, 1891:- Thomas Edison patents the motion picture camera. 25th Aug, 1932: - Amelia Earhart completes transcontinental flight. 26th Aug, 2008 - Barack Obama nominated as presidential candidate. 27th Aug, 1955: - Guinness Book of World Records published for the first time. 28th Aug, 1963: - Martin Luther King, Jr. Gives "I Have A Dream Speech". 29th Aug, 2005: - Hurricane Katrina strikes New Orleans. 30th Aug,1997: - Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed killed in a car crash in Paris.