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Shoebox Appeal:


​Lotto Results:​ No winner this weekend. Winning Numbers - 10. 22. 24. 29.

Lucky Dips: Sinead & Maurice Houlihan. Eamon & Geraldine Hayden, Athlacca. Anne O'Donoghue, Kilatal. Jackpot for next week €4,650.

Tickets available from O'Gormans shop, The Rock Bar, Hickey's Bar, Croom. Thank you for your support.


C​ould you imagine, trying to live on €1 per day - families in parts of Eastern Europe and Africa have to.!​ Life is very bleak with little to look forward to, not even Christmas. A shoebox will not change their situation but it will bring a ray of hope, lots of laughter and smiles. Over the last eighteen years TeamHope have delivered shoeboxes to over three million children.

W​hat to Do - ​ Get an average sized shoebox, wrap in Christmas paper (box and lid separately). • Choose a boy or a girl to receive your box and what age: 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14 yrs. ​ • Fill your box with gift items

​•​Attach appropriate sticker​. • To get your box to your child, please include at least €4* per box​.

Or maybe easier, you can donate securely online at ​ • Close ​ Box ​ with elastic band.​

W​hat to Put In - ​

WRITE​: Pens, pencils, copy books, paper, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser, solar calculator.

WASH​: Toothbrush and paste, facecloth, soap (wrapped, please), hairbrush, comb.

​WEAR​: Hat, scarf, gloves, socks, underwear, flip-flops.

​WOW​ : Toys, sunglasses, game, handcraft, small Irish gift, photo of yourself, sweets (in date ​up to ​ March 2017), make-up, small musical instrument, doll or cuddly toy, car, skipping rope, yo-yo, finger puppet, torch.

​O'Grady's Spar, Snows and the Pharmacy have a supply of the stickers. Closing date, Nov 11th.

C​ontact Anne (069)68181 or Maureen 68107, when you have your boxes ready.


Many thanks to those who attended our AGM this year, great to see new faces joining the group. The officers were delighted to report on a very successful year, not only in terms of the Play but also the centenary celebrations for 1916. The Hall was busy throughout, we had various classes - Drama, Hip-Hop, Art and Defib Training. Musica Fusion school performed ' Oliver ' , we had a Style and Image Evening with Ursula Stokes and Jim Houlihan gave a most interesting talk on the history of Granagh Creamery.

We are delighted that Granagh Pebbles, Afterschool service are using the Hall every day.

Officers elected: Chairman - John Bennett. Secretary - Eileen Power. Asst. Sec - Joe Power. Minute Sec - Niamh O'Hanlon. Treasurer - Mary Lynch, assisted by Shane Toomey and Tom O'Gorman. P.R.O. Mary O'Regan. Delegates to Forum - Martin Carroll to arrange a rota.

We thank them for volunteering their services and wish them well for their new term.


A reminder to people, we have two units in the parish. One is at O'Gorman's shop and the other outside The Rock Bar.


Granagh Web site can be found at - Just to give you an idea of what can be found there. The Welcome page consists of photos, the most recent News headlines and a section for Local Announcements. GranaghGram page, where people - home and abroad - can post their photos through the Instagram App. News page, gives all the local notes that have been printed in the Observer. We have a History Page, Sports page - listing the clubs in the parish. Local Organisation page, details the different groups and clubs in the parish. The Parish Info page gives contacts for the Priest, Masses, Schools, a little History and a photo gallery. There is a page for Local Business' to advertise their services, free of charge. You can e-mail the page -

We also have a Facebook page - granaghcommunitynews - for your news, photos and comments.


​Oct 22nd, 23rd: - ​Camogie

Church Gate Collection​.​

​Oct; 28,29,30th - One Act Drama Festival, Kilmallock.​

​Oct 29th. - Camogie Munster Semi Final, 2.30pm.​

​Oct 30th, Sunday: - ​ Halloween Disco in Granagh Hall 5.00​pm.​

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